Chapter 6

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Everyone in the cantina stares at Din as he stands in the entrance doorway looking for you. Some eyes filled with jealousy, others with awe. The armorer had warned Din that his newly made armor would draw many eyes. She was right.

This must be how (y/n) feels. Din thinks as he walks over to a booth, appreciating the new-sounding clink his armor makes with each step. He scans the groups of people on his way, trying to find you.

Looks like she's not here yet, must still be looking around the street market.

He takes a seat at the booth and looks out the window adjacent to him, watching people pass through the market under the night sky. It seems to be much busier now in comparison to earlier and Din hopes that he'll be able to spot you soon amongst the crowd.

He waits patiently for you, ignoring the lingering stares from the people inside the cantina.

However, time ticks on and Din realizes that he's been sitting for more than thirty minutes.

Surely she's checked out everything at the market by now...

He slides out of the booth and exits the cantina with haste. His mind begins to whirl with worry as he searches for you in the crowded street.

Has someone hurt her? Is she okay?

Din can't find you anywhere. He halts and takes deep breaths to steady his nerves. He then recognizes the sound of music from the city's busy nightclub.

Wouldn't hurt to check there.

He makes his way over to the club, different shades of colors flashing to the beat of the music through its windows. The music blares in his ears as he steps inside. He keeps near to the wall to avoid the partying people and gazes upon the loud, dancing crowd but there is still no sign of you.

Maybe she flew back home... Din thinks with a sinking feeling.

The energetic crowd suddenly roars louder with cheers when a few people climb up onto a table and start dancing stupidly.

Of those people, Din sees you. His inner tension releases knowing that you're okay. Clearly tipsy, but okay. He crosses his arms and leans his back against the wall, watching you with amusement. He assumes that the cloak you're wearing was obtained using the money he spoiled you with.

You glance at the people surrounding the table and your eyes land on Din's helmet. You brighten more with excitement seeing him. You lower yourself off of the table, struggling a bit thanks to the alcohol, and weave through the crowd towards him.

" that you?" You study his new shiny armor.

He simply nods.

You stagger a bit as you move closer to him. "Your armor...w-whoaaa..." You touch his breastplate, mesmerized by the extraordinary craftsmanship.

"How many drinks have you had?"

"Huh?" You say, not hearing the question since you're too distracted by his new appearance.

Din looks down at your romper's small pocket at the thigh, noticing the drawstring of the money bag he gave you hanging out of it. He reaches for the bag but instead of just pulling on the drawstring to take it out, he teasingly sneaks his hand into your pocket to retrieve it and you giggle from the brief touch of his hand against your thigh. The bag is completely empty.

"I think this gives me a clear enough answer." He states, seeing that your cloak looks inexpensive, which tells him that the remainder of the bag's money covered one too many drinks.

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