Chapter 5

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"Not too far off from your home now," Din says as the two of you enter the cockpit. Through the window, you see your homeland appear as the ship drops out of hyperspace. A pang of sadness floods you. You don't want to go home; you want to spend more time with Din. You want to get to know him more as a person.

"Look, uh..." You nervously look at the ground. What if he doesn't care to learn more about me? Maybe he just wanted a one night stand...

Din gives you his undivided attention, standing behind the pilot's seat.

"Instead of going home, I'd like to tag along with you on your next job, or whatever it was that you were planning to do after taking me home..." You look at him shyly and hopefully, wishing that you were able to see his facial expression right now.

"So you'd like to spend more time with me?"

You nod. "It's not often that I find someone I'm interested in or someone who uh...knows how to make me really happy...if you know what I mean..."

Din chuckles and then pauses, calculating how to form his response. "I'm interested in you as well. I wouldn't have taken the initiative to wake you up from your dream if I wasn't."

You sigh of relief. "A part of me was beginning to think that you just wanted a one night stand, which I mean is understandable since humans are sexual beings just like angels are and you aren't necessarily obligated to get to know me and-"

Din steps closer to you and puts a finger to your lips, quieting you before you could ramble any further.

"Enough justifying why I wouldn't want to learn more about you, because I do." He says in a stern yet comforting tone. "And I'd love for you to stick around with me for a little longer. You ever been to the planet Nevarro?"

You shake your head, Din's finger still on your shut lips.

"Make yourself comfortable then, cause that's where we're headed." He takes his hand away from you and sits on the pilot's chair. You sit on one of the passenger seats behind him. With a few button presses on the control panel, Din turns the Razor Crest away from the direction of your home and jumps back into hyperspace.

"How many planets have you been to?" You ask as you look through the window to gaze upon the blue glow of hyperspace.

"Too many to count. What about you?"

"Not a whole lot actually. Even though we Angels do like to fly all over the galaxy, we pretty much just stick to living on our homeland and only visit neighboring planets."

Din remembers you mentioning earlier that Angels appear as shooting stars when traveling the galaxy. "Anytime I see a shooting star now, I'll think of you," He says sweetly over his shoulder. Your heart flutters in response.

"Do you have a job?" He asks.

"I do. I work on a farm."

"In what you're wearing?"

You laugh. "No, tin can."

Din shrugs. "It's a fun thought."

"I'm sure it is. What you're wearing though is..."

"What about it?" Din asks rather defensively.

"It's looking worn. Don't get me wrong, it looks great on you, but your job is pretty dangerous to say the least. So isn't it best to have the best protection possible?"

"Behind the other passenger seat is that camtono of beskar that I got for bringing you in. Nevarro is where I can have that beskar be crafted into armor."

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