Chapter Two

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3rd person POV

"sensei, can we take some time off!? we've been going at it for three hours!" a girl wearing some ninja attire exclaimed already fed up with their training. 

their sensei has forced them to run laps around the village for almost three hours and still he wasn't satisfied enough.

"NO! it's still not enough! come on sensei keep going!" a boy claimed enthusiastically still going at it hardly breaking a sweat. he was used to this kind of wrenching training, he had a big dream and he won't stop until he gets what he wants.

"YES! THAT'S THE SPIRIT! GOOD JOB! THREE MORE HOURS TO GO!" their sensei shouted extremely excited encouraged by his student's words, he knew that they'd be excited as much as he is.

"ugh! come on I've had enough!" the girl complained not keeping up with them and slowed down her pace. she glanced beside her "why are you so quiet!? are you okay with this!?" she asked in an exasperated tone her other team mate.

he glanced at her with a blank and slightly annoyed look on his face "it's fine" he increased his pace leaving her behind. she sighed but kept going nonetheless. 'out of every team I could've been assigned to why this team?' she thought to herself.

"hey sensei! what's that?" the enthusiastic boy asked his sensei pointing at a body falling extremely fast from the sky.

his sensei was slightly alarmed staring at the falling body. he kept watching what seemed to be a young girl until she fell in the lake. "I don't know. maybe she needs help. let's go!" he exclaimed before running towards the lake. his students looked at each other before following him.

when they went to the lake the body didn't come up floating alarming the sensei and before anyone could say anything he jumped in to her rescue. the three students stood there unsure what to do slightly worried about their sensei.


Mia's POV

"sensei! is she okay?" I heard a girl speaking a foreign language say and what surprised me was that I could actually understand what she is saying though I don't know what language that is. 

"who is that?" I heard a boy say again still confused why I understood what he said.

I began opening my eyes slightly adjusting to the lights, it was morning. 'how is that? did I sleep that much? wait!' I opened my eyes wider staring at my surroundings, I  saw four bodies staring right back at me.

I flinched looking at them confused 'what the hell? where am I? who are these people? and what's with the bizarre clothes they're wearing?' I glanced at one of them about to say something until he beat me to it.

"hey kid, are you okay?" the man uttered slightly concerned with a confused look on his face. 'what kid? is he blind or something?' I thought in disbelief.

I sat up looking around me at the rest of the people, they were children aged no more than thirteen. I glanced at a boy and froze 'what's with the weird eye color? why is he staring at me like that?' he looked at me as if I'm an alien analyzing everything I do. 

I looked at the rest of them bewildered as they stared back at me making me more self-conscience. I got up carefully and looked at the man still staring at me. 

"kid...? what are you talking ab-?" I froze as I spoke 'what's wrong with my voice?' I looked around me and saw a lake and hurried towards it. I looked at the lake trying to find my reflection only to find a young girl staring right back at me with wide eyes, she looked no more than twelve years old. 

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