Chapter Five

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Mia's POV

"thank you" I thanked the owner of the grocery store after taking the bags from him and began to head out to the street. 

I just finished my morning training and decided to purchase some groceries before heading to the academy. It has been a year ever since I showed up in this world and finally things began to workout; I was finally getting used to this new lifestyle, though not much my level of training has somewhat developed, also my grades were slightly raised and I somehow managed to catch up with most of my colleagues. 

"good morning" I greeted back my neighbor who I saw randomly passing by him as I was wandering around the street. It was a lovely day; sun was shining brightly, the weather was nice, the hokage monuments looked- ' that-'

"Naruto...." I mumbled sighing to myself. I warned him many times not to do that to the monuments yet he never listens to me. currently he is dangling on a rope being scolded by who seems to be Iruka-sensei. "I was on my way to surprise him" I sighed exasperated pissed that he ruined my plans.

I began to head home after deciding to call it a day and get ready for the academy. on my way I unexpectedly stumbled upon someone.

"hey Mia! why are you here? aren't you supposed to be at the academy right now?" she cheerfully greeted me. I smiled cheerfully once I saw her. ever since I began training with her and her team we became close, her being my only female friend. 

we talked about everything and anything really, but I still didn't tell her my secret though.  she was a master in weaponry, something I really admired her for. I asked her occasionally to train me whenever she is not busy and was thankful when she agreed.

"hi Tenten. I'm planning on doing that actually, but not before having a quick breakfast. wanna join me?" I asked her and she gratefully accepted my offer. 

we headed back to my apartment and began to prepare the food as quickly as possible. not having time to sit and eat properly we started to dig in almost immediately once the food was ready.

"so you're graduating tomorrow right? how are you feeling?" I paused mid bite thinking about it. 

to be honest I was really nervous, there was a big chance that I might fail. Naruto told me that he already failed the test two times and he was in the academy way before me. 'will I make it? what if I fail?'

"I don't know.....I guess I'm kind of nervous. do you think I can do it?" I glanced at her desperate for any kind of encouragement. she smiled brightly slightly shocking me before replying.

"of course you will! I truly believe in you" I listened to her encouraging words. "do you remember the first day you trained with us?" I nodded slightly. 

"you were way behind us and I doubted you would ever improve" she stated oblivious to my slight change of mood. 'ouch...' I thought to myself.

"but now look at you! you've completely changed" I glanced at her slightly wide eyed. "your taijutsu level has significantly developed almost competing against Neji's. I think you'll do just fine, you only have to believe in yourself" she encouraged me smiling brightly making me smile back at her, she was such a great friend. 

"you think so?" I asked unsure. she nodded enthusiastically. I couldn't help but smile cheerfully at her, she managed to boost my confidence significantly and I was so thankful for that. "thank you so much Tenten" she smiled back at me.

we finished our food before heading out on our way to the academy. after her encouraging words I was beginning to feel so much better and ready for whatever jutsu I'm being tested tomorrow.

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