Chapter 2: Kill the Knight

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Jade walked through the forest, heading back to her house. The sun was starting to set which caused the forest to have a soothing glow to it. She had just went to go see her siblings Jake, John, and Jane. Jane and John are not exactly her siblings, John was her half-sibling but Jane wasn't really her sibling. Jake on the other hand was actually her sibling. Jade considered Jake more as a father than a brother because he had to take care of her ever since she was born. Jane's and John's dad helped Jake take care of Jane until she was a about 7 years old and when Jake was about 9. They were able to take care of themselves at that age. Jane's and John's dad died when they were 13 and 15. So after that, Jake, Jane, John, and Jade all took care of each other so now they all just consider each other siblings. Jade and John were now 16 while Jake and Jane were now 18.

While Jade was walking, she heard a flapping noise. She looked up and saw an orange crow. She smiled as the crow swooped down by Jade's side, and turned into an orange man. The orange man had a pair of shades and a katana in his hand. He wore a dark orange robe that kind of looked like it was made of feathers. The man's name was Davesprite"How was the trip Davesprite? Did you find out about anything?", Jade asked. Jade had sent Davesprite on a mission to go find any information about what was going on in the kingdom. It was her only way to find out any information without getting herself killed.
"The prince has sent out knights to come and kill you. He even sent out his top knight, so you should feel pretty fucking honored if you ask me.", Davesprite answered. Jade laughed at his comment. "Okay, I know that was pretty fucking hilarious and all but I really wouldn't laugh if I were you, Jade. I've heard that this guy is actually pretty fucking incredible, like he has his shit together unlike all the other knights. This guy might actually have a chance at killing you."
"I know how strong he is, Davesprite. Why do you think I prototyped you after him?", Jade said. She then saw her house and pointed at it, "Now come on, the house is right there." Davesprite rolled his eyes under his shades. Jade then began running towards her house excitingly. Davesprite turned back into a crow and followed her.

Her house was right next to a river and a lake so there were frogs everywhere. Jade didn't mind the frogs that much, but sometimes at night the frogs are really loud, causing Jade not to fall asleep easily. Jade had a pretty small house, there were only three rooms. One was her bedroom, the other two rooms are the ones she uses to work.

Jade opened her door to her house and entered with Davesprite doing the same. Jade closed the door and turned to Davesprite, "So, when are they coming?"
"I heard that they're planning on leaving tomorrow, but I don't exactly know when they're coming."
"That's fine. I'm sure they will be here in a day or two if they're going to be leaving tomorrow. And a day or two will be just enough time for us to get ready for when they arrive!!", Jade said cheerfully. She headed over to her bedroom.
Davesprite followed her and asked, "What are we gonna do when they arrive?"
Jade turned to look at Davesprite and said, "We're going to kill the top knight. I don't know how yet, but all I want is for him to be dead." She grabbed a paper and pencil, "Now let's start preparing. First things first, I want to be the one to kill him. You can battle all the other knights while I try to defeat the top knight."
"I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of knights coming, so should we call up John, Jane, and Jake?", Davesprite asked. "I'll make sure that they don't get in the way of you accomplishing your goal to kill the knight all by yourself."
"Yes, that would be fine.", Jade agreed as she wrote down what Davesprite suggested. As soon as she stopped writing, she looked up at Davesprite, "Please just make sure that none of them get hurt, okay?"
Dave nodded, "Got it." Jade smiled. She got up and headed out the front door. "Where are you going?"
"I know that I had just came home, but I need to go get some things for when the knights arrive." Jade then put her hood over her head and went out the door. "I'll be back soon."
"Do you want me to come with you?", Davesprite began to stand up but Jade stopped him.
"No, I need someone to watch the house while I'm gone." Davesprite nodded and sat back down.

Jade turned into a big, white dog and began running. She had the ability to do this because when she was 13, Jade accidentally fused herself and her dog, Bec, together. She isn't able to undo it for some reason but at least it gave her some cool powers. Jade was now able to teleport things, including herself, but she doesn't exactly do this often. Teleporting can sometimes go wrong on occasions so instead of teleporting to places, she just turns into Bec. Sometimes when she has to travel to very far places, then she will teleport.

Jade was heading towards a village that was closest to her house, which was not very far away so she didn't need to teleport there. When she got closer to the village, she turned back into a girl and began walking. Jade didn't want to turn into a girl at the very border of the village because she believes that someone would be able to spot her as a dog. Everyone in the kingdom knows the Witch of Space by what her dog form looks like, but no one knows what she looks like as a human. Because of this, Jade is able to walk around villages without having to hide her face, but she still wears her hood though, just incase anything happens.

Jade headed into the village. It was starting to get dark so some of the shops started closing, luckily the shop that she was looking for wasn't closed yet. Jade walked toward the village center where the shop was. She entered in it and started to look around. Jade couldn't find what she was looking for. "Shit.", she said under her breathe. She went over to the back of the store where the store keeper was.

The store keeper was named Gamzee. Everyone knew this guy, he has always seemed like a nice person, but there were many rumors that when he gets sober he gets so angry that he starts killing people. No one believes it of course because of how nice he is, but yet again, no one knows what he acts like when he's sober. He's never actually been sober before so no one can tell.

"Hey, Gamzee," she began, "do you by any chance know what happened to the Blunderbuss of Zillywigh is? I could've swore I saw it here last week!!! Did someone already buy it?"
"Oh YeAh, RoXy AlL uP aNd BoUgHt It A cOuPlE oF mOtHeRfUcKiN dAyS aGo. NoT lIkE yOu WoUlD aLl Up AnD mOtHeRfUcKiN nEeD iT, yOuRe ThE mOsT pOwErFuL wItCh OuT tHeRe, SpReAdInG yOuR mIrAcLeS aNd ShIt.", Gamzee replied.
"It's not for me it's for a friend... Do you at least have the Warhammer of Zillyhoo? What about Battlespork of Zillywut? Or even the Flintlocks of Zillyhau?" , Jade asked.
"WeLl WoUlD yOu LoOk At ThAt, I hAvE aLl ThAt ShIt!! ItS a MoThErFuCkIn MiRaClE!", Gamzee exclaimed. He then went over to the front of the store to grab all the items she had asked for. "hErE yA gO, sIs.", Gamzee said as he handed her the weapons.
"Thank you, Gamzee!!", Jade reached down into her pocket and pulled out a lot of money, she then handed him the money for the weapons and left the store. She looked around to make sure no one was around the village center, luckily it was night time so now almost everyone was in their houses. Jade then shrunk the items and put them in her pocket. She walked out of the village and began walking into the forest. As soon as she got far away enough, she turned back into a dog and ran back to her house.

"I'm back Davesprite!", she called out as she entered the house. She took the tiny weapons out of her pocket, made them big again, and set them on the table. Davesprite was in Jade's room and came out of there after hearing Jade was back.
"Is that what you went to go get?", Davesprite asked as he pointed at the table with the weapons on it.
"Yeah, it is, but the place didn't have everything I was looking for, but I guess these will have to do.", Jade sighed.
"Well it's getting late out, you should probably get to bed.", Davesprite suggested.
Jade shrugged at his suggestion and replied, "I guess you're right." She headed over to her bedroom and got changed into her nightgown. Jade opened her bedroom door and saw Davesprite sitting at the table as he looked at the weapons.

Davesprite turned to Jade and said, "These are really funky lolling weapons if you ask me."
Jade did a slight laugh and said back to him,"I know but I've heard a long time ago that they are very useful and powerful. I bought those for John, Jade, and Jake for when they arrive." Davesprite nodded and looked back at the weapons. "You should get to bed too, Davesprite."
"I'll go to bed in a little bit. I'm just gonna do some more planning for when the knights arrive."
"Okay, that's fine. Good night."
"Good night, Jade." Jade went back into her bedroom.

She blew out a candle that Davesprite had lit earlier when she was buying those weapons. Jade took off her glasses and placed them on a small wooden stand that was right next to her bed. Jade got into bed and closed her eyes.

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