Chapter 3: Encounter

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Dave set his bags on the back of his horse. Dave didn't have his armor because it was getting prepared by Rose and her friend, Kanaya, so all he was wearing was just his normal clothes. He was going to be leaving soon for the mission his older brother sent him on. It was already morning and all he had to do was just get his horse ready. None of the other knights were allowed to ride horses so Dave felt pretty fucking lucky. Since he was the top knight, he was allowed to ride his horse on an mission he's sent on.

His little sister came walking towards him. "Kanaya and I have finished preparing your armor, Dave. It's in your room, so once you're done you can go in there and get ready.", Rose said
"Thanks for telling me that, Rose."
"You're welcome.... Oh, I almost forgot! I have recently heard that if you are successful in killing the witch then Dirk will be throwing a ginormous party just for you."
"Hell fucking yes!", Dave exclaimed.
"Hell fucking yes, indeed.", Rose laughed. "I guess that will bring some inspiration on you doing your best when you battle the Witch of Space."
"Oh, it will, Rose. It will.", Dave jokingly said as he finished getting the last bag on his horse. "Well I'm done with that, now time for me to get ready."
"I'll walk with you to your room.", Rose said. They both left the stables and headed back to the castle. They entered into the castle and began to walk through the endless hallways. There was silence at first, but then Rose broke it by saying, "So how are you planning to kill the witch?"
"I don't know exactly," Dave began, "I'll probably plan it out on my way to the witch's house."
"Oh, I see... So.... Are you excited for the trip?"
"It's gonna be tiring but I guess I sorta am."
"Yeah, but at least Karkat will be with you. That would be fun, right?"
"Well it depends on how he acts during the whole trip, he's probably going to be complaining the whole time but oh well."
"At least it will be quiet here for once.", Rose said laughingly.
"Don't brag.", Dave said as he chuckled and gave Rose a small push.
They both soon arrived at Dave's bedroom. Rose turned to Dave and said, "Once you're ready, come to the front gate. We will all be waiting for you there."
"Okay, I'll see you later, Rose.", Dave said as he gave a slight wave goodbye.
"You too.", Rose said back as she walked away.

Dave opened his bedroom door and entered. He saw his armor over in the corner of his giant bedroom. The armor was made of silver and it had a dark red cape with a hood attached to it. On the chest of the armor was a symbol. The symbol was in the shape of a gear and was a lighter red than the cape. The shirt he had to wear under the armor was red, as well as the pants but they were a bit darker color. There was a brown belt around the waist which had a rocket that held his sword.

Dave put on the underclothes and armor. He grabbed his pair of shades and put them on as well. Dave then left the bedroom and headed towards the front gate. By the time he got outside he saw a strangely humongous crowd and four rows of five knights all standing in a straight line in front of the crowd of people. That wasn't as many knights as usual but since Dave figured since it was a small trip, not many Knights should be coming. He saw Karkat standing in front of the four rows of knights, Karkat also was standing next to Dave's horse.

Dave walked up towards the front and got on his horse. He saw Rose standing next to Kanaya, they were both talking to each other. Dave looked around to find his older brother but he wasn't found. We're probably waiting for him, Dave thought.

Dave turned to Karkat and whispered, "Sup."
"JUST WAITING ON YOUR STUPID BROTHER'S SORRY ASS. THATS ALL." Karkat didn't exactly whisper but it was still quieter than how he usually talks.
"Yeah... I wonder what's taking him so long? Even I came before he did."

Just the Kanaya came up and interrupted their conversation, "I Couldn't Help But To Hear You Two Talking About The Prince And His Wardrobe Choices."
Dave snickered, "He doesn't choose that shit, Kanaya. He's forced to wear it."
"Oh I Know That, When I Said 'His Wardrobe Choices' I Actually Meant His Stylist's Fashion Choices."
"Kanaya was trying to make some sort of joke through that, I'm guessing." Rose said as she walked up next to Kanaya.
"Exactly. Thank You, Rose. So Anyways, The Reason I Came Over Here Was To Tell You That Rose And I Were Actually The Ones To Have His Outfit Ready Today. So You Do Not Have To Worry About Poor Fashion Choices Today."
"Got it.", Dave said sarcastically. The sarcasm in his voice must've completely gone over Kanaya's head because she just smiled brightly and walked back to where Rose and her were earlier.

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