Chapter 9

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Dave woke up from Rose lightly shaking him awake. Dave just ignored her and rolled over on his side, pulling the blanket over him. Rose got impatient with him and started shaking him again, this time she didn't do it as lightly and also began to say, "Dave, wake up. Nap time is over..." She paused, awaiting for a response from her brother but got nothing but a groan. "Dave... Dave!" Finally, he obeyed her, and sat up in his bed.

"What is it, Rose?", Dave asked grumpily.
"Finally!", Rose sighed, "That took me forever just to get you up! Anyways... I just want to apologize for earlier... I guess I just got so scared for you that I got carried away. Now that I'm all cooled down I can talk to you without getting mad."
"Okay, well.... What do you wanna talk about?"
"I want to know want really happened out there, Dave. Tell me the whole story."
"What are you talking about? I already told you what happened. Witch got mad, witch broke my leg, end of story.", Dave said.
"I need something more specific than that, Dave. Like I said, I want to know what really happened out there. I know you're trying to hide something from me. I just want to help..."
Dave sighed as he looked up at the ceiling and then looked back at Rose. "Do you really want to know that bad?" , Dave asked. Rose nodded silently and slowly in reply to his question. "Fine.... I'll tell you.... Let's just say that I couldn't do it."
"Couldn't do what?"
"I couldn't kill her! I couldn't kill Jade- er, the Witch of Space."
"Her name is Jade?"
"Yeah... Well I think it might be... She kind of used me to get important information so she could use that information against me.... And I guess that that made me mad so I tried to kill her."
"So she wasn't mad, you were.", Rose stated.
"Well she wasn't mad at first but then I guess I kind of pissed her off later on. Now can I finish?"
"Yes, continue."
"Anyways, she kind of said something that... changed my mind.... About killing her. It's just that she reminded me of the harmless Jade that I first met."
"That you first met?", Rose questioned.
"Well when I first met her, she seemed like an innocent and adorable lost girl and she seemed like for the rest of the trip... Well until she decided to run off. Later on when we found her it turned out that she was the Witch so yeah..."
"Oh... Well sorry to hear about that.... Did you... like her? Not the Witch but Jade, the way you first met her."
"Y'know you're asking a lot of personal question right now. Let me just tell you everything about me dammit."
"You're avoiding the question."
"Well of course I don't, I have Terezi."
Rose raised her eyebrows, "I'm not talking about Terezi, Dave. Now tell me."
"Oh hell fucking no! Stop trying to invade my damn privacy."
"Then stop avoiding the question!"
"You know what?! I did like her!! But she's gone, and it's all my fault!! Are you happy? Does that answer your fucking question? Can you leave me alone now?"
"I-I'm sorry, I was just wandering...", Rose got up slowly and began to go towards the door. "Just so you know, you still have to go see Dirk. He's been waiting on you."
"Well after talking with you I don't know if I want to talk to anyone right now."
"Well you're going to. Prince's orders."
"Fine.", Dave said grumpily. Rose left his room, leaving Dave alone.

Man that was embarrassing, Dave thought to himself. But yet again Jade's dead, so what's to worry about if  I liked her. Not like she would care anyways. She'd probably be pissed off at me right now. Anyways I have Terezi.

Dave wouldn't let the thought of Jade go. He kept on going on and on in his head about her. About how she's dead and about how he will miss her. He constantly tried to bring Terezi up to try to lift his spirits but then Jade would come back up again.

To clear his mind, Dave decided to go see Dirk like Rose suggested. He got up out of bed and grabbed his crutches. Dave finally left his bedroom and made his way through the castle and never ending hallways to find his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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