Chapter 6

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The was was close to setting, meaning that it was late in the afternoon, that also means that the Knights Jade has been waiting for will be arriving soon.

Jade was inside the house getting ready for the fight, the rest of her family were outside, guarding the perimeter of her home. Davesprite was the only one with her.

Davesprite remembered the conversation he had with John before Jade came home.
"All you need to do is tell her how you feel, Dave sprite. I know it's easier said than done but I really do think that's the only way she will forget about the top knight and be with you!", John said.
"That's not going to work", Davesprite face palmed as he told John this.
"Like I said, easier said than done. But still, you could at least try it!!"

That last sentence John said to Davesprite repeated in his mind as he looked at Jade. Should he try it now? Maybe now wasn't the best time? Yeah, this was definitely a terrible time to do it. Then, Davesprite remembered the rest of the conversation with John.

"What if that fails? The relationship her and I have now would change and I don't want that to happen. I still want to remain best friends with her."
"Well there's only one way to find that out. And if it doesn't work out, you two will still remain best friends, I'm sure of it!"

Davesprite looked away from Jade and looked down. He then said to her, "You know, it's kind of stupid how everyone in the kingdom thinks that the Witch of Space is evil."
"Trust me, it is, especially when you're the Witch of Space.", Jade laughed. She didn't turn her head to look at him when she said this. She just kept her eyes on what she was doing.
"Have you.... You know... Ever used your powers for criminal use? Like before you even created me?", Davesprite asked. Jade's expression went from happy to disappointed as she stopped doing what she was currently working on. Davesprite quickly noticed this and said nervously, "Oh shit, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make it sound that wa-"
Jade interrupted him, "No, it's fine. I'm fine with telling you what happened."
Davesprite was surprised by her answer because she would usually say no to that question, but went with it by saying, "Okay, go on."
Jade turned her head to look at Davesprite, "Well, it started when my dog and I were accidentally fused together. I didn't know how to go from dog to girl so I was stuck in my dog form. I was scared and I didn't know what to do. Not to mention all the new powers I immediately inherited, that freaked me out a lot! So since I didn't know what was going on, or how to use my powers I find of went crazy and started destroying parts of the kingdom. Luckily John stopped me before I could do any further damage. That was the worse one I had done. All the other things were just like the first one, but not as bad. I probably just destroyed a village or two in my dog form, and that was it. But now that I am able to control my powers, it hasn't happened recently! I really hope it stays that way!", Jade said those last two sentences cheerfully and also with enthusiasm.
"Yeah, let's hope.", Davesprite said awkwardly. He didn't know what to say after what he just heard. That was all he could think of at the moment really.
"Yeah, the only thing I find strange is that the Prince just now decides to send Knights after me. He didn't do it before when it was most recent but now he decides to kill me? What an ass.", as Jade said this she realized something, but she didn't tell Davesprite.
"Well it's not going to work anyways, the Prince won't be successful in killing you. You are way too tough for that shit." Jade laughed and smiled at Davesprite. Davesprite couldn't help but smirk at her cute smile. Now was probably the only chance to tell her how he felt, and Davesprite knew it. "Look, Jade. You're a really wonderful person. And I lo- um... Like you for that." Davesprite wanted to say love but he felt that would make it too awkward.
"Awww, thanks, Davesprite!", Jade said.
Davesprite put his hands on Jade's shoulders and looked at her straight in the eye. "No, look. The point it that I really like you. We have been best friends for so long now and you're the only thing that makes me feel happy. I hope you feel the same- it's fine if you don't!! I can understand... Being my creator and all, but I just wanted to say that for a very long time. This sounds super cheesy and lovey and all that shit but just deal with me here."

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