The Pencil Has a Plan

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And now for the long-awaited continuation of 'The Epic Tale of an HB Pencil'...

These drowning milliseconds of despair were, however, merely milliseconds. As heroes typically do in these types of situations, the HB pencil began to formulate a plan.

Not just any plan - oh, no. This was a foolproof, fail-safe plan. There was no way it could fail. Not even if the world turned against itself - after all, good must always prevail.

And so the pencil set off to put its plan into action. It rolled determinedly across the floor, faster than it had ever rolled before. The lead in its very core was filled with the desire to save its love the printer paper from the evil mechanical pencil - if it could not, it knew for sure that it would be destroyed by the grief (after all, that is always what happens when a brave hero loses the love of their life).

The HB pencil followed the looming shadow of the mechanical pencil as it spun out the door, the printer paper in tow. They were nearing the pond, slowly, but surely.

The HB pencil put on a burst of speed, rolling at an unfathomable rate, catching up to the great villain and its unfortunate victim in the way that only great heroes can. The printer paper was teetering over the edge of the pond. The HB pencil used its handy teleport to once again teleport a spring underneath it, and it leapt forwards (like the famous super-pencil), knocking the printer paper away from certain doom.

The mechanical pencil snapped its flimsy lead stick in surprise. But as all nemesis characters do in such situations, it quickly recovered itself, using its clickity lead device to pump some more lead out of its tip.

Taken aback by this very sudden switch of emotions, as all heroes are, the sparkly glittery rainbow feathery rubbery pencil wondered what on earth its chosen nemesis could have up its sleeve.

Never could it have prepared itself for the great plot-twist that came next...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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