The Pencil Obtains a Feather

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A few days later, the pencil, who was now much happier, met another pencil in the pencil pot.

To it’s great surprise, this other pencil was… different. Yes, in terms of sparkly-ness, it was no different to all the other pencils, but it had a great, long, feather sticking out of the top of it.

The pencil immediately decided that it, too, must have a feather.

Unfortunately, it’s dear friend the superglue had been moved to the kitchen bench top. Being a small HB pencil, climbing to the top of the bench was out of the question, and so the pencil came up with another alternative:

Using all of it’s small, HB pencil strength, it rolled off the table, and onto the floor, and then the little pencil rolled out of the door. It then rolled into the garden, and under a bush, and there it found a rather large amount of sap (how it got there, however, is anyone’s guess).

So the pencil dipped it’s end into the sap, and then rolled around some more until it rolled over a rather large, fluffy feather.

Incredibly pleased with itself, the pencil proceeded to roll out from under the bush, out of the garden and in through the door. It then rolled across the floor, and then, in a feat that defied gravity itself, it rolled up the table and back to it’s original spot next to the other feathery pencil.

And so, until the end of it’s days, the pencil lived in the knowledge that it was far superior to all other pencils, as it was sparkly and glittery and rainbow and with a feather.


The Epic Tale Of An HB PencilWhere stories live. Discover now