The Pencil Meets The Notebook Paper

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One strangely windy day, the pencil, who was alone because it's true love the printer paper was required elsewhere, was sitting alone on a windowsill (as fate would have it, it was exactly the same windowsill that the printer paper and the pencil first met on).

Unbenownst to the pencil, it's short life was about to change forever.

As the pencil sat there, happily oblivious as always, a piece of paper (it must be said that this piece of paper was in no way, shape or form printer paper) slid saunteringly and in a papery manner up beside the pencil.

The pencil, who had been alerted to it's presence by the soft rustling sound that paper makes as it slides saunteringly around in a papery manner, turned to see a creature that rivalled it's true love the printer paper:

A piece of notebook paper.

It had blue stripes across it, with an already-ruled-and-printed margin along it's side, and it's page was so thin that it made the pencil stare (as well as it could in it's pencilly-state).

The pencil felt that this new piece of notebook paper was worthy of entering it's story, and so it proceeded to fall in love with it (whilst still being deeply in love with the printer paper), making the notebook paper it's other true love.

Of course, the notebook paper just went along with it and fell violently in love with the pencil too.

And so began the epic love triangle between the pencil, the printer paper and the notebook paper, and the pencil lived out the next few minutes knowing that it's life was about to become far more complicated and exciting, as it was now part of a love triangle.


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