The Pencil Meets The Printer Paper

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One fine, wintery day, the sparkly, glittery, rainbow, feathery and rubbery pencil was taking a walk (or rather, a roll) along the windowsill. It’s companion the rubber (they were really only companions because they were stuck to each other) suffered the entire ordeal in silence – it didn’t really have much of a choice, considering the direction in which it had been stuck to the pencil… but we won’t go into that.

Now, as the pencil was rolling across the windowsill, it caught sight of a creature of pure, blinding white flutter across the room.

The pencil was in so much shock that it forgot to stop rolling, and so it fell off the windowsill and drifted down in dramatic cinematic slow motion beside the pure white object:

A perfectly rectangular piece of printer paper.

From the moment they touched, the pencil knew that it was true love.

Luckily, as this really is a cliché story of true love, the printer paper was sure to feel the same way.

And so, as they fell, the sparkly, glittery, rainbow, feathery and rubbery pencil knew that it was sure to live out the rest of it’s pencilly days in pure bliss, as it really was a pencil experiencing true love.


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