The Pencil Obtains A Nemesis

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Last time, on the Epic Tale of an HB Pencil...

The pencil froze for a moment as the realisation of this lamentable fate hit it, but that moment was long enough for the deviously-annoying mechanical pencil to spin from the room (mechanical pencils spin, by the way, they're too mystical to roll) in search of the printer paper. The HB pencil had no choice but to follow...

The mechanical pencil spun evilly across the floor. The HB pencil rolled behind, keeping watch but too afraid to get too close. If the stories about mechanical pencils were true, that meant that this mechanical pencil could never run out. It's lead could keep getting refilled again and again. It was immortal.

The pencil continued to watch on in dread as the mechanical pencil drew nearer and nearer to the printer. Nearer and nearer to the HB pencil's first true love, the Printer Paper.

Then it finally hit the pencil that this mechanical pencil was not only here to complicate everything, but also to be it's nemesis (since every story needs a good old-fashioned villain). And, if this mechanical was here to play the part of the nemesis (we don't need to question it, of course it's not here for any other reason), then that meant that it wasn't going to create a love quadrilateral, but completely steal the printer paper from the HB pencil.

The pencil, shocked once again, came at once to a startlingly decisive (for a pencil) conclusion:

It would leap at the immortal, most likely magical (because immortal villains need magic, it's the basic rule of story writing. Where have you all been living? Geez) mechanical pencil and foil it's plans like a good old-fashioned protagonist.

So, using it's handy teleport, which you may remember from when the pencil became attached to a rubber, it teleported a spring to directly underneath where it was and, somehow getting the single spring to act like a trampoline, propelled itself through the air to where the mechanical pencil was.

But it was too late.

The mechanical pencil, using it's seductive magical powers, had already caused the printer paper to fall desperately in love with it, and also to completely forget about the sparkly, glittery, rainbow, feathery and rubbery pencil.

Then, in classic villain style, the evil mechanical pencil began to lead the Printer Paper to it's doom in the pond outside.

And the poor, sad little pencil lived out the rest of it's next few milliseconds in horrible, drowning (see what I did there? Did you?) despair.


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