Subhadra or Draupadi ? (Not an update)

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Now, many people ask this question. Did Arjun love Subhadra or Draupadi ?

Answers - Subhadra 85%
- Draupadi 15%
Probably wondering - OMG ? Why is Draupadi only 15% ? Or, How is Subhadra 85% ? We know she's 100% !!

Now, here a note. This is the woman he loved the most. If it was not specified, of course he would choose Krishna.

Let's see shall we ?

Draupadi- Fireborn. Well known fact. Now, she was won by Arjun but was divided between the 5 brothers right ? And Arjun did nothing to protest ? Correct ? He married 3 women in exile ? Right ? Challenged Draupadi for Subhadra ? Am I not right ?

SUBHADRA - Krishnaanuja. Well known fact. Okay, I'm going by the more elaborate version of her love story (southern version). Okay. 2 options. 1. Gada attended Guru Drona's Gurukul. Gada told Arjun about Subhadra and he fell in love with her without seeing her. Krishna told Subhadra about Arjun and she fell in love with him without seeing him. 2. (The more popular one) Arjun dresses as a Yati to visit Dwarka. Saw Subhadra and her beauty (note - He had already been married to Draupadi, so Subhadra, to him, was more beautiful than Draupadi.) And fell in love with her. Subhadra saw the handsome Yati and fell in love with him. Correct ? Krishna tells Subhadra to serve the Yati. Subhadra obeys. She serves the disguised Arjun and develops an unbreakable bond with him. His eyes shine when he sees her. Arjun confesses his love and reveals his identity to her. With the help of Krishna, he kidnaps and marries her. (In the village Bhadraarjun Rajasthan. Still there. Google it.)

He takes her with him to Indraprasth. Draupadi is jealous. Does not allow them to enter. Arjun deals with Draupadi so that he could live with his love. Can you deny that ? After Subhadra wins her over they both start living peacefully and very much in love in Indraprasth.

When Subhadra came along, Draupadi had been viciously jealous. But when she had seen the love that Arjuna shared with Subhadra - a love that encompassed the mind, the heart, the soul and the body - Draupadi had realised that she had never felt that way about anyone. Not Arjuna, not her children; not anyone.

Did Draupadi love anyone that way ? No, she had loved learning and governance, adventure and animals, loved revenge, or at least the idea of it, for a while but she had never loved other people in that all-encompassing way.

Whereas, the Arjun - Subhadra bond was unbreakable. Proof ? He never married again. It was as if he was marrying to find his soulmate and when he did, he never married again. He met many apsaras in heaven, in Matsya kingdom, but never once lusted.

The powerful Abhimanyu was his and Subhadra's son. The hero of the Mahabharata. Correct ? Did Draupadi and Arjun's son do anything ? Do you even know his name ?

Draupadi herself knew that she was no match for Subhadra when it came to love for Arjun. She may be beautiful, or more powerful, but she could never love Arjun the way Subhadra, his love did, nor could she get the love Subhadra got from Arjun.

Now, you may ask - But he fought the war for her !! Answer - No he didn't. When Krishna asked the Pandavas for the reason of the war, Arjun and the twins answered - For their elder brother, whereas Bheem, only Bheem said, for Draupadi. Of course Yudhishthir said - for the establishment of Dharma.

Arjun never even wanted to fight the war. Seriously, the entire Bhagwat Gita is based on that. After Krishna convinced him, he participated but still with reluctance.

The thirteenth day is what that made Arjun furious, mad, angry, upset beyond anything. That was Abhimanyu's death. He was afraid to face Subhadra. He knew if she found out, she would kill herself. He did not show this concern when the Uppandavas died, did he ?

He swore to kill Jayadrath, the cause of his beloved and brave son's death. If he didn't he would kill himself. Again, did he do this during the Upapandavas killing ? Did he swear to kill Ashwathama ? He didn't.

He created an uproar on the 14th day. He killed 7 akshauni army, whereas Bheeshma hadn't been able to kill even 1 akshauni army in a day. He defeated Drona, Karna among others. That day, he had no time for nonsense. The Kaurava army started fleeing when they saw Arjun. His son's death's pain fuelled his anger. He recalled Subhadra's crying face, Uttara's widowed one, and his wounded son, who had been brutally killed. Had this happened during Upapandava's death ? No it hadn't. He also dedicated his victory of the 14th day to his Abhimanyu's mother, his Subhadra.

Another argument - But Draupadi was the only one who went with the Pandavas with heaven. - Yeah. She did. And she was the first one to die too. Whereas Subhadra stayed behind to raise her grandson to become the king. Which do you think is more brave ? Dying first because of biasedness or staying behind when all your lived ones are dead, fulfilling your duty till the end ?

Besides we're not even sure she stayed behind. Most likely she died after Krishna's death, the same way all of Rama's siblings left the world after he disappeared in River Sarayu.

Many people say that Subhadra did not make sacrifices. - Nither did Draupadi. She married the 5 pandavas because she wanted a perfect husband which Mahadev granted. So the wedding was actually her wish.
Exile - It was not a sacrifice. She had brought on herself. If she had never insulted Duryodhan and Karna, she would've never gotten disrobed and never would have went to exile. Even in exile, the Pandavas continued treating her like a queen.
Lost her sons - Didn't Subhadra lose hers too ?

Subhadra on the other hand, stayed away from Arjun for 14 years, raised Abhimanyu and the Upapandavas alone, while their mother is living in the forest busy being treated like a queen, lost her only son in war, almost lost her grandson, lost her brothers Krishna and Balram, and basically entire clan, her beloved city sunk underwater, her husband and his brothers left for heaven while she stayed behind to raise her grandson.

Judging be all the above stuff, it's pretty obvious Subhadra is Arjun's love. Hence, one of her many names (which are as many as Arjun's names) are Arjunpriye - The one dear to Arjun and Parthajaya - The one who won Parth's heart in first sight.

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