chapter 3:making Creuset's team his B*TCH

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Murrue is now massaging her head from the upcoming headache.she just knows that some bad sh*t is gonna happen the moment a lot of siren is ringing all at once.she blames Murdoch and his team.sure,in this era,no one can't actually beat the new Veteran of the Archangel group.but still,it's the matter of principle.Murrue hates this era for three reasons.Muruta,Dominion,and Jachin Due.i don't need to tell you what happen with the three of these hated can search it in google and all that stuff.if you're lazy,well here is the explanation.Muruta Azrael is a manipulative pieces of Sh*t,inhumane assh*le,the leader of the Dominion ship,trigger happy nukes user,the one that controls the three Druggies,a terrorist,and all that bad stuff.about the Dominion though,is a completely different story.Murrue's XO,Natarle,has been removed from her crew and then becoming a captain for the Dominion ship,and later on got destroyed by the same crew she leaved behind.god bless her soul on heaven.about Jachin Due though,i don't need to say anything it on google.the one thing that you can know about Jachin Due is that is a field full of War crime.needless to say,murrue need a damn break.

'meanwhile,with Kira'

all of the unit in Morgenroette still pointing guns at each other.f.Kira and f.Athrun still pointing their gun at the Creuset's team while Creuset and all of his cronies point their gun at the Strike and the lone this point,the two of them still doesn't move from their position.but,a single leaf are slowly goes down to the ground
the leaf has touched the ground.Kira and Athrun both bomb rush the group,body slam some of the GINN unit while Kira shoot his beam rifle to the Buster's left arm,blowing the arm's off.Creuset's team,still flabbergasted,didn't notice that f.Athrun GINN is already aiming his now fully charged heavy ion cannon to the two lone GINN unit that are standing in line.he fired it,and the two GINN unit didn't even have a chance to get out of the way,now exploded.the Strike running up to the CGUE unit that Creuset piloted,armor schneider already in both hands.Creuset,already recovered from the shock,sees the Strike coming towards him,hurrily grab his sword and shield himself from the now almost stabbed armor schneider to his unit head.Kira slashed down his right Schneider to Creuset,while Creuset parries it.Kira didn't let up,and then he unleashed a barrage of bullets from the side of his own unit head,shooting it to Creuset.Creuset sees this and tries to put both his unit hands to the front,but failed,because Kira just stabbed one of the armor Schneider to the left palm of Creuset unit hands.Creuset then has to sees a barrage of bullet hitting his unit in fromt of him.the armor keeping him from becoming a swiss cheese.while the armorof the CGUE is strong,it is not as strong as the armor of the gundams.Creuset then tries to push the Strike away,and he succeed.he tooks a lot of step back and try to breath slowly.whoever is in the Strike now,it is one of the biggest presence that he sense on the ship.even bigger than the other one with the GINN.whoever this person is,he really needs to die today,because if he don't,every plan that he makes will crumble because of this pilot.

'meanwhile,with Athrun'

Athrun GINN does a side flip on the air and then slashed down his sword to a grunts GINN.the other still tries to shot him with their submachine gun,but he always weaves out the way.Duel is literally hot on his tail,beam saber shining brightly,while he can also hear some screaming and curses from p.Yzak.Nicol is shooting him everywhere with his shield beam rifle,but of course he dodge every single shot.he fires his Barrus Kai,and it annihilates two unlucky grunt GINNs.he stab a GINN units with his sword and snatched its submachine gun,and he dual wields it with his own submachine gun.Athrun GINN ran while shooting everywhere around the area.this action got one grunt GINN unit explode because Athrun manage to land a lucky shot.the Buster can't do anything because both its arms had been chopped off and blown away.Athrun sees the Buster and has a bad idea.he run straight to the Buster,snatched the Buster gun,and attached the both of em' together.this got everyone in the group froze.this day can't get any worse for the Creuset armada.then,they all see their commander CGUE flying across them while the Strike runs straight to his unit while shooting beam rifle.

one thought of the Creuset armada:

"welp.we're fucked"

'meanwhile,with p.Kira'
Kira sees all of this happening,including with all of his friend.they are shocked that two lone unit.TWO.LONE.UNIT,is able to go toe to toe with the Creuset armada.even against the new unit that the earth federation has.the two unit strikes and shot every single unit with precision and no wasted movement whatsoever.whoever these two pilot are,they have saves Kira and all of his friends lives.he will owe it to the both of these two unit pilots.

'back to Kira'

Kira is shooting his beam rifle in Creuset team general direction,while Creuset,still being blown away by the sudden drop kick that Kira does to his unit,is trying to weave through any single shot that Kira shoot.but,he failed miserably.his units left leg got shot by the beam,therefor making the leg broken.he still can move the leg,but it will be stiff as fuck.Creuset shoot his submachine gun to Kira,but Kira just hides behind a building.Kira is already running out of option now.the Strike is running on Battery energy,and his battery is already in 30%.any more usage of beam rifle and he will die.then,Kira thought.

f.Kira:'well.......,here goes nothing'.

Kira and Strike run towards Creuset CGUE with two armor schneider while Creuset still shooting.time seemed to slow down between everyone.Creuset's armada is about to see their commander turn into a slice of meat while Athrun shoot his fully charged Barrus Kai to the Aegis leg and it hits.Kira then body slam Creuset unit to the ground and then he stab one of the armor schneider to the CGUE's right hand,making the right hand useless while Kira proceed to stab the other hand,making it useless too.he picks up the CGUE sword and a grunt GINN sword and looked at the group that is still in shock.he runs toward the group and began to slice down all of their limb.hell,Kira even cut off the Duel's right hand.

p.Yzak:"fuuuuuuck yooouuuuu,STRIIIIIIKEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!."
yells and curses of Yzak is falls on deaf ears as Kira proceed to slice down a grunt GINN unit in half.

then,one of the Grunt unit waves a nearby white flag and waves it up.then,Kira and Athrun stop with their massacre.the still fuctioning GINN units brings back their leaders CGUE and the other three G-Weapon.Dearka and the Buster got left behind because Athrun is standing near it.the glowing eye of the GINN unit is enough convincing for everyone to just get the fuck out of there.
it is a bad day for the Creuset armada.

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