the strumming

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TW swearing

evelyn was rolling over her bed, she couldn't sleep. she kept glancing over at her clock that read 4:18 am

she never had any trouble sleeping but that facetime she had with elodie was keeping her awake, she needed to clear her head. usually she would go for a walk or listen to music if she didn't feel like walking.
the little raindrops slid down her bedroom window that looked out to the dim street lights. she reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her air pods. open spotify and played one of wilburs songs.

she shut her eyes. her thoughts now full of the acoustic guitar sounds and wills smooth voice filling her ears. she slowly felt herself drift into sleep. her eyelids grew heavier and her body turning numb. she was asleep.

she was in a cozy apartment that felt familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time, someones singing coming from a room behind her with the door squeaked open. the same calming sounds of gutiar stumming . as she gravitated towards the door, she peaked inside to find will
humming a familiar melody while his fingers slid over the guitar strings. he was sitting by what she presumed was his bed. looking down at the instrument.

evelyn slowly opened her eyes. the bright sun rays on her face as she tiredly rolled around the bed. again, glancing back at her clock 10:24, full 6 hours of sleep and a coffee would be enough to keep her going for the day. she checked her phone to find one new message from the same boy she dreamed about.
she was meant to meet will at his place to help him with some music, and that was it.

she put on her green jumper with a white t-shirt peeking out and some dark denim jeans. her hair down. she was feeling extremely nervous but then again she felt comfortable with wilbur, something she never felt so comfortable with anyone this quick before.

she got out of her apartment, making sure she had everything. wilbur was actually awake way earlier than evelyn. even though she was coming over at 11, will had started to clean his apartment and set everything up by 9. he had a little makeshift home studio that would work just fine. he made coffee around 10:30, one with milk for himself and a mocha with extra hot chocolate and extra sugar. he memorized evelyns order from the other day. as will was sitting on the couch waiting, the door bell rang.

"phew, i almost got lost on my way here" evelyn said while leaning in for a hug "i made coffe" will said in a joyful voice, making evelyn pull away and smile " you just get me, gold" evelyn joked. they sat down with their coffees in hand "oh you made it just the way i like it" evelyn happily exclaimed. will just smiled at her while stirring his own coffee.

they made their way the studio that was also wills bedroom "okay, so i have 4 song for now and i want at least 2 more, its for my debut album" will explained as he sat down on his bed, guitar in hands.
he started playing an very familiar melody on his guitar. evelyn hummed along the guitar memorized the melody from her dream "wait, yes thats good" will smiled at evelyn and then wrote something down on a notebook set beside him.

evelyn felt proud of herself even though she did the least she could by just humming a tune she memorized. the were writing lyrics and singing the songs for hours, they made breaks for food and walks to stretch, eventually it got dark and the two still haven't finished. they kept going over the songs, looking for improvements. evelyn and will were sitting in his bed next to eachother. wilbur had his laptop in his lap as they kept listening to the song they titled la jolla

evelyn was peeking over at the laptop from the side. she glanced at the clock in the bottom right corner of the screen. it read 2:34. no wonder she was getting pretty tired. will told her she can leave anytime and rest whenever. she looked over at him, he was sipping on his 4th coffee, his hands shaking as he firmly held the mug in his right hand, his left hovering over the laptops touch pad with his eyes glued to the screen.

evelyn looked through the window. the rain quietly tapping on the glass. it was cozy and warm and the desk lamp lit the room a little bit so it wasn't to bright. it was the perfect place for a quick nap. she
looked over at will, who was fully focused and awake " hey will" evelyn mumbled tiredly "hm" will responded without taking his eyes of the screen "do you think i could take a quick nap somewhere i feel to tired to go home now, you can wake me whenever" evelyn groaned while rubbing her eyes, struggling to stay awake.

wills eyes finally shifted to her, he stayed quiet for a second " shit is that the time! uhh sure" he replied before getting up and getting a blanket from the living room. he handed it over evelyn. it was a beige colour, soft and fuzzy. looked like something will would have. she placed the neatly folded blanket in her lap, giving wilbur a thankful smile. will got back on the other side of the bed and resumed what he was previously doing " oh and if you need anything else, just ask me and ill get it" he finished. evelyn mumbled an "okay" before getting comfortable and slowly drifting off to her much needed rest.
the bed was warm and comfortable, the pillow smelled like flowers and the blanket was probably the softest one evelyn ever felt. 

she slowly opened her eyes to see the  sunlight coming into the bedroom. evelyn turned to the side where she thought will would be sat, however there was no one there. how long was i asleep for? why didn't will wake me? where is he?

evelyn grabbed her phone that was on the bedside table. she turned it on to check the time 11:23 am
"oh shit" evelyn groaned while sitting up in her bed. she was in her sweats and a huge t shir will gave her, her jeans weren't exactly the most comfortable for writing songs for hours on end. she figured she'd look for will, she was pretty sure she heard faint footsteps form around the apartment. she waddled over to the door. as she opened the door, there was no sings of will.

she made her way to the bathroom. she figured a shower would be a good idea since she slept in the same clothes that she was in all day. after showering. she helped herself with some towels. one for her hair and one around her chest. then, the door squeaked open " oh shit! sorry sorry sorry, oh god, sorry evelyn" will quickly covered his eyes quickly while backing out, slamming his back against the door. he was frantically moving his hand around trying to find the doorknob. evelyn was just standing there, eyes wide open "oh lovely" she thought. this was all she needed.

evelyn quickly got dressed and made her way to the kitchen. will was standing by a counter stirring one of the two cups of coffee. he was visibly still shook from what he saw, evelyn was too "im sorry, i should have told you or something, i mean it your house after all" evelyn sighed after explaining this "don't beat yourself up, after all i should've knocked" will smiled, making evelyn feel better instantly. they each grabbed their coffees, and then made their way to the bedroom. will grabbed his laptop and showed evelyn what he was working on. all 7 song now written and sungand like that "your city gave me asthma" was officially finished

it took me a bit longer to make this one but I DID IT, i hope you guys are liking this so far and THANKS FOR READING 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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