feeling like myself

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TW swearing

"oh come one please" will was shoving his guitar in evelyns arms " I haven't played in ages, plus i only know like one song" evelyn defended herself, they were sitting in wills apartment on the floor. it was late and the two were discussing wills new album. now, will was encouraging evelyn to sing for him. evelyn wasn't having it and was resisting every temptation "do i look like im gonna judge you?" will joked with a soft smile on his face " no please will you have no idea what you are asking for" evelyn said, her words blending with laughter. she finally started playing lovesong by beabadoobee

will was sitting by his window admiring the rain sliding down the glass, as the song played through the boys headphones he could help but remember this moment the two shared when they were just getting to know eachother, a small smile forming on his face. the smile was quickly drawn back as the black haired girl walked in the room

"hey did you get me cigarettes?" the girl scoffed "no sarah, i have asthma remember?" will replied not taking his gaze of the glass "hey listen why did you even call me, after months will" the girl grew angrier, she approached will, in hopes of getting him to look at her, but he didn't "listen i dont now who that bitch was but you can tell her to fuck off!" she exclaimed, her tone full of annoyance. will turned to her, clearly upset "what did you just call her?" will took out his headphones now fully focused on what sarah was saying

the brunette got up, now towering over the short black haired girl "its no big deal?" she quietly muttered, clearly realizing she made a mistake " you're jealous" will added coldly, making his way towards the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
sarah was stood by herself in the living room, she quickly got her things and storming out "yeah storm out like you usually do!" will yelled out from the room. a loud slam of the front door, will took a few deep breaths.

why did he have to fuck things up like this?
maybe a walk in the rain would be good him.
after contemplating this for a few minutes he put on his jacket and shoes and walked onto the rainy streets. he watched the pavement get completely soaked with tiny grey dots, his feet dragging him down the streets. after raising his head to look at his surroundings, he noticed a familiar sign in the distance, quickly making his way to the blue sign with brown letters. as he got closer he slowly recognized the cafe, the one where him and evelyn talked over coffe. a bittersweet feeling

a thought ran through his head. its not too late, maybe he has a shot at fixing this.he went inside, making his way to the bartender "one mocha with extra hot chocolate, please" as the rain soaked his locks that were sticking out of his maroon beanie, he made his way to evelyns building. he had no idea what he was gonna say or what to do, but he knew that he got her coffee order right

as he noticed the familiar building, he felt nervousness building up inside. she was probably hurt and he didn't blame her. he knew that he could be an arse at times, but he never usually cared to much. so why was it different this time?

as he climbed up the stairs, leaving drops behind him, he was soaked. he counted to himself the number of stairs " ...64,65,66,67..." as he got to evelyns floor, making his way to the white wooden door, that had chipped paint all over it. he placed a few knocks on it, his heart beating faster with every second. no answer. a couple more knocks, again nothing. he sat next to the door, leaning against the wall, holding the plastic cup in his hands, the only thing keeping him warm.

he stared at the cup, not even realizing how long he was sat infront of evelyns flat "will?" a quiet voice came from infront of him, he slowly raised his head to see evelyn standing just a few feet from him, she just climbed the stairs "evelyn i-" before he knew it the girl ran up to hug him, he hesitated before hugging the brunette back with his one free arm" evelyn im so sorry" he finished "not now" evelyn mumbled, cutting him off once again.

"i got you coffee" will added, evelyn slowly pulled away from the hug "thank you, but im still mad" evelyn smiled weakly at will "why are you soaked?" evelyn asked, realizing that her sweater was now damp from hugging him "um-" will was quickly cut off "come on, i think i have some of your old clothes laying around" the girl added, heading to the door to unlock it

as they stepped in, will looked around. it was cozy and clean, unlike his apartment. it was refreshing to be in a neat environment like this, he couldn't remember the last time he was at evelyns. it felt like ages. the brunette girl disappeared into one of the rooms, will looked at her home plants that were watered and thriving. sticky notes on the fridge with scribbles on them. an old guitar pick on her coffee table and a book of poetry by sylvia plath.

"here, this is what i managed to dig up" evelyn handed will some neatly folded clean clothes, he didn't change out of his clothes from last night and he probably smelt disgusting "you can use the shower if you want" evelyn recommended kindly, she made her way to the kitchen "are you hungry" she added while looking in her fridge, will looked over at her and gave her a simple nod and smile

he figured he would shower and get changed as soon as possible. he stepped in the neatly organized bathroom and hopped in the shower. after getting out. he ran his hands through his wet hair, put on the hoodie and pants evelyn gave him. he already felt more like himself

he made his way to the kitchen, the smell of toast filling his senses. evelyn placed the two pieces of bread on a plate that already had some bacon and an egg on it. she placed it on the counter near wilbur "the bacons is still hot so be careful" she smiled warmly before continuing to make the meal for herself "why are you doing all of this" will asked, letting the words slip out. evelyn turned around, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion "doing what" her words blended with a nervous laugh "this" will gestured to the clean clothes he was wearing and the plate of food in front of him

"because i care about you wilbur"

omg guys i wonder what happens next !!
no but seriously this chapter made me giggle like a little kid omg i love this.
btw sarah is a reference from the nice guy ballad song for the people who didn't get it (shes kind of wills ex in my mind but you guys can imagine her how you want :))
anyways i cant wait to publish more for you to read


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