handling alcohol

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TW swearing, alcohol, throwing up

about a month after ycgma was uploaded. the two were out along with elodie and wills friend james. they were in a local club that james showed them. the album was doing pretty well. it was getting more listens on spotify and more views on youtube every moment. also wills channel started growing pretty fast.

the group was sitting down at the table chatting and laughing " hey will who did you backup vocals for ycgma?" james asked suddenly. setting his cup full of beer on the table.elodie also gained curiosity in james questions. will looked over at evelyn, smiling at her, giving james and elodie an obvious hint " oh fuck off! you didn't tell me. oh my god, evelyn wilson you are unbelievable" elodie scolded her, but the girl couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably

"you seriously have a lovely voice" james added "of course she does" will said while taking a sip of beer out of his bottle " do you maybe want to slow down" james asked will "this is like your 4th bottle" james commented with a concerned look on his face "ill be fine, i handle my alcohol quite well" will replied

evelyn just laughed at this "no really i can!" will reassured the girl "okay hot shot" elodie added.
as the night went on. will started "handling" more and more alcohol and eventually the other 3 had to drag him out of the staff room that he wandered off to while going to the bathroom. elodie and james lived the opposite side of will and evelyn. but evelyn reassured them they would be fine

"hang in there we have a lot to go" evelyn held wills arm around her shoulder to support him. he was much taller than her which made it a little harder that she anticipated "evelyn?" he groaned quietly "yeah?" she turned to face him "am i like?" he made a large pause to burp drunkenly" famous now?" he muttered
"i dont know, you might just be" she answered, looking back at the pavement "i shouldn't be, i really shouldn't " will cried out loudly , startling evelyn. she looked back at will " will, you are drunk. don't say that" evelyns voice was calming and gentle.

will let go of her shoulder, attempting to walk on his own even though he was hammered. this resulted in him throwing up on the side of the road. evelyn hated this, and if she wasn't a close friend of wills she would have probably never agreed to help him.
this reminded her of her mother. something she didn't really want to remember.

she quickly got his hair and shirt out of the way so that he wouldn't vomit over them " i got you, are you okay?" evelyn helped him get up, putting his arm around her again for stability " im sorry, im a jerk" will mumbled tiredly " hey it happens, don't worry about it" evelyn calmed him down

as the approached his building. will slowly started walking on his own, tripping from time to time. he stayed quiet for the remainder of the walk. soon, they got to wills building. evelyn helped him walk up the stairs " thanks evelyn" will smiled weakly at the girl while getting his keys to the apartment. after a couple of unsuccessful attempts at jamming the key in the keyhole, evelyn helped him get inside and helped him take his coat off.

the boy plopped down on his couch with a soft groan while hugging one of the pillows nearby "so do you need anything else?" evelyn asked while looking around wills messy apartment " nuh-uh" will mumbled without letting go of the pillow "okay well, see you then" evelyn scanned the place one last time, there were some bottles on the kitchen counter but evelyn didn't think much of it. before slowly making her way to the door " wait, lyn!" will sat up on the couch. making evelyn stop in her tracks.

she turned around to face will who was now staring deeply into her eyes" i think you're pretty" will quietly muttered, leaving evelyn speechless. she quickly snapped out of it "will you are drunk, get some rest. ill talk to you soon" evelyn softly smiled back and made her way to the door. this time she wasn't stopped by wills comments
imagine being so drunk you call your friend pretty just like that

on the way home, wills words kept echoing in evelyns head. when she finally got to her apartment. she hopped in the shower and straight to bed. she got out her phone to check for notifications. there was just one and it was from wilbur

hey eveluy thanks frr walkring mw home ;F

this message was clearly coming from drunk wilbur.
evelyn couldn't help but smile at this. even though he was drunk, the comment he made was still lurking her head? did he actually call me pretty,
hes drunk, it was probably not like it looked like, but what if it was

shorter chapters for today but im working on a very fun dynamic one which i hope you guys will enjoy
my story isnt really picking up soo idk what to do about it soo yeah but i will most likely finish this story

thanks for reading and ill see you soon

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