red bulls and empty bottles

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TW swearing, mentions of alcoholism

she heard heavy footsteps followed by groaning that approached the door, the door opened with a creaking sound

"um can i help you?" a black haired girl with blue eyes who clearly wasn't wilbur opened the door. her mascara smudged and her breath smelled like alcohol. evelyn was puzzled at first before asking "um im looking for will, is he home?" evelyn took a peek behind the girl's shoulder, looking into wills flat.

it was messier than usual, with cans of red bull and empty bottles everywhere. evelyn started to fidget with some old knack in her pocket "no he isn't, he went to the store, but you can hang out here 'till he comes back" the black haired girl moved over, letting evelyn in the flat "so uh, how do you know will"evelyn asked, trying to start a conversation

the girl sat down on the edge of wills couch, the only part that was not cluttered, patting her hand on the space next to her, gesturing for evelyn to sit " its a long fucking story, ill tell you that" the girl answered, taking a sip of her drink " what about you?" the girl mumbled not taking her eyes of her drink "well we met at a party a little over a month ago" evelyn replied, looking at the front door, waiting for will "haha, so he's picking up girls at parties now" the black haired girl scoffed.

evelyn looked over at her with confusion "oh its not like that, wills a good friend of mine" evelyn responded "if you say so" the girl groaned, getting up and going into wills room and jumping onto the bed.
evelyn was now looking around wills place. his dry plants, the white clock that evelyn couldn't figure out how he could tell the time from. his tiny kitchen sink pilled with dishes.

suddenly the front door opened and the tall brunette walked in, setting a plastic bag on his kitchen counter. as he turned around "holy sh- lyn, uh what are you doing here?" will asked, still in shock " sorry for barging in like this" evelyn got up making her way to wilbur " i got worried, so i came to see if you are okay!" evelyn explained, going to hug will " yeah im fine so you don't have to worry, you probably have to get going right?" will coldly responded, pulling away from the hug and looking around the apartment.

"shes in your bedroom" evelyn added quietly, will made his way to the bedroom with out even looking at the brunette. evelyn quickly grabbed her purse and made her way to the front door. as she walked out the hallway, she waited to see if will would come out after her. he didn't. evelyn felt betrayal, did she do something wrong, and hour ago everything was fine. she never saw that black haired girl before, was she his girlfriend? probably not, but why would he have someone else over at his place. it didn't seem like will, why was she overthinking this as much

after all will was her best friend, she would want to get in the way of his happiness. but she had a feeling something was wrong, very very wrong. still stood in his hallway. she knocked on the door, this time not as gentle. to her luck, wilbur opened this time " can you make up your mind" he joked with a weak smile on his face "we need to talk" evelyn replied seriously, she looked over his shoulder and gave a cold glance to the black haired girl that was standing a few feet behind will "in private" evelyn looked back at will, his face now matching her expression

"oh you are in trouble!" the black haired girl added. will didn't acknowledge her and just stepped out in the hall. shutting the door behind him. they stood in silence for a little bit "look im full of questions right now" evelyn finally spoke " shoot" will shrugged, evelyn exhaled " first of all, why are you still drinking, who is that girl in there, and why the fuck are you being so hostile, just an hour ago you called acting like a stray puppy thanking me for dragging you home while you threw up and all" evelyn felt words coming out on their own, having zero control over her tone, will looked at the girl not a slight hint of empathy or anything at all. evelyn scanned his expression, something along the lines of disgust

" look, im going through something at the moment and that girl, her name is sarah by the way, gets everything so its good to have her around and im not being hostile i just don't appreciate you snooping in my flat whenever you feel like it" will explained, looking at the girl who was now standing in shock. was this what elodie was talking about?

"look will, i played this game before trust me, this isn't good for you" evelyn said after calming down for a second. will placed his face in the palm of his face " okay, sorry lyn. but i just really dont need you to worry okay?" he groaned, placing his hands on her shoulders giving her a smile before walking back into his flat, leaving the girl standing there feeling selfless as ever

"wow" evelyn whispered to herself in disbelief, why was he acting like this? it was best if she just gave his some space.

as the girl returned to her apartment. she sat by her window watching the rain drops slow slide down the cold glass, with her headphones listening to music
la jolla to be exact, her favorite song in the album. she kept reassuring herself that will just needed space and that time will heal everything, right?

dont hate me please !!
okay guys dont blame me the story needed some dynamics so TRUST THE PROCESS( i feel so bad for both of them omg)


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