window on the 3rd floor on the left

6 1 0

TW mentions of alcohol, mental illnesses, swearing

"can i come over, i think it's best if i tell you this in person" elodie asked. evelyn was now full of curiosity
"uhm yeah sure el" evelyn answered after pausing for a bit to process this. was everything okay with will? the girl got up making her way to her room to get ready.

she quickly cleaned up her apartment so that elodie and her would be more comfortable. after cleaning, the girl looked at the now much better looking living room. pride filling her senses. this little moment of joy was interrupted by her doorbell going off. evelyn opened the door to greet her purple haired friend, wrapping her arms around her.

" el..." evelyn whispered as she pulled away from their hug. " should i worry about will?" evelyn continued, now looking at elodie, who was fidgeting with the zipper of her hoodie " well... yes, and no" elodie mumbled, making a pause in between each word. evelyns face shifted to a worried look

the two sat down across from each other on evelyns beige couch. the brown haired girl patiently waiting for elodie to tell her what she said she would. elodie took a deep breath before saying anything. evelyn only grew more impatient.

" so, you know how will got drunk last night" elodie finally spoke. evelyn just nodded to this, fully focused on her friends words "well, me and jame have some...theories, I guess you could call it" elodie continued, evelyns face was now puzzled "what do you mean?" the brunette asked "well, wilbur gets a bit drunk when he feels overwhelmed by...just about anything" elodie said before taking a few seconds to pause, she carried on " last time it was when his girlfriend broke up with him, that was about a year ago" elodie explained looking over at her friend evelyn who was carefully listening

"last time? did it happen more than once?" evelyn questioned " oh yeah, sometimes he just wants to be left alone for a few days, and other times he shuts people out for months" elodie explained " i hate how i have to tell you everything for him" she continued "yeah why are you telling me this" evelyn asked, smiling lightly to try and cheer up her worried friend "because i think it might happen soon" elodie mumbled. evelyn was incredibly worried now.

they were so close so why didn't will tell her about all of this? evelyn was overwhelmed with so many questions "are you sure he didn't just get drunk to celebrate?" evelyn asked elodie. hoping for a positive answer to give her some hope. elodie shrugged her shoulders " maybe, but i doubt it, he really ever drinks. i mean when you know he isnt-" "yeah, i get it" evelyn cut her off, now drowning in her own thoughts

"hey if you need time to think about this, ill let myself out" elodie asked, seeing that evelyn was deeply rethinking all of this new information "well, not be rude but" evelyn looked at elodie with a sad smile " its fine, at least you know now" elodie patted her friend on the shoulder, evelyn smiled at the girl still drowning in her thoughts from earlier

as she walked elodie out the door, she walked back to her couch and sunk her palms in her face
why did we let him drink last night?
what if he hurt himself?
why were elodie and james so calm about all of this?
he was drinking at that party, so why did elodie say he doesn't usually drink?
was this somehow my fault?
did i ruin his album?

before she knew it, evelyn was overwhelmed with this situation, she went to get her phone to see if she had any new messages from anyone, but mainly will
4 missed calls from will
"oh no" evelyn whispered to herself while nibbling on her nails. she quickly went to call him back. now practically shaking out of anxiety " please pick up, please pick up, please please please" she kept whispering to her self until "hey lyn" wills tired voice filling the uncomfortable silence

"will! hey, are you okay?" evelyn asked, trying her best to stay calm but she was extremely relieved that will answered " could be better but, im alright" will laughed weakly which was followed by a few faint coughs "do you need anything? you called me while i was still sleeping" evelyn kept asking will, making sure he was okay

"oh, uh i just wanted to apologize for being a fucking jerk last night..." will mumbled " dont be, it happens" the girl reassured him, while also trying to give herself hope that will just overdrunk a bit and that its "um will, if you need anything and i mean anything at all. im just one call away" evelyn said, making sure will knew she was there "thanks lyn, im gonna go now" will said, his words blending with a yawn before he hung up.

evelyn held the phone up to her ear for a bit longer, listening to the beeps after will hung up. she still wasn't sure if he was going to be okay. she couldn't be around people who drank alcohol too much, thanks to her mum. she made a pact with herself to keep will away from that as much as she could.sitting in silence for the next hour drove her crazy,what if will wasnt okay. before she knew it, her shoes were one and she was out in her hallway, heading to wills place. its like her feet were dragging her in the direction of wills building.

the brunette girl was no standing infront of a brown bricked building. looking up at the window on the 3rd floor to her left, wilburs flat. she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the worst. as she walked up the stairs, the smell of cinnamon she associated with will started to become stronger.
a smile forming on her face after smelling it. as she reached the 3rd floor and made her way to the door, leaving a few gentle knocks on the wood

she heard heavy footsteps followed by groaning that approached the door, the door opened with a creaking sound

"um can i help you?"

omg dont hate me for this cliff hanger but OMG OMG WHO COULD THAT BE AT THE DOOR HMM??
anyways sorry for not updating this daily like i usually do, this chapter was painful to write but I DID IT AND THANKS FOR READING
im already starting the next one ;)

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