confessions | william shakespeare x f!reader

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1,864 words and proof-read

Okay. Your brothers hate each other, your younger brother is in love with a Puritan, and your oldest brother is going crazy about a breakfast musical. Everything's going swell!

"Nick, if you could just please-"

"No, little sister! Women can't act or write, you know this."

"That's not what I'm talking about-"

"Then what is it? I should go apologize to Nigel for something he started?"

"Yes! And he didn't start it, Nick, you did!"

He coldly glared at you before asking, "So are you gonna leave me like he did?"

You can't believe he just said that. God! How childish could he get? He didn't even acknowledge the fact that it was his fault! "If you keep on acting like you're Nigel's age, but minus ten years then... Then, yes!"

"Then go."


You ran to your room and quickly packed some essentials into a small briefcase, and then you bolted out the front door.

You scanned the streets to see if there'd be any place of interest you'd wanna stay, but you remembered you're a woman in the 1600's and people would probably think you're a prostitute. You did not want any man's grubby hands on you.

Wait. This meant you had no place to stay...

Tears started to form in your eyes as you ran into the woods. You didn't know exactly where you were running, but you were a Bottom, which meant the hardheadedness in your blood would lead you somewhere.

You ran to a place under an old tree, one that seemed to be the king of the forest. The huge roots sticking out gave way for nature-made seats. It was rather uncomfortable, but it was better than crying in public.

This whole ordeal made you think. What would Bea and Nigel do when they found out? Would they come looking for you, or would they be glad you left? You knew you could always go back, and Nick probably wouldn't be mad, but your pride was too big for you to even think about that.

The sound of footsteps on the crunchy ground startled you. It had to be Bea, right? She's the only person that ever comes out here-

"Is that a young Bottom I see?" A British accent spoke.

Wait. That accent... You hadn't heard it in years. It couldn't be-


"In the flesh, love."

His unbuttoned jacket revealed his chest, which was glistening with sweat. Had he run to get out here?

"Why are you out here-"

"Why are you out here, Y/N?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Fuck, that was kinda hot.

"Um... Inspiration. Nick wants me to write-"

"Tell the truth." He said while sitting down next to you. Had it just got hotter, or was that him?

christian borle x reader one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant