understudies | christian borle x f!reader

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1,824 words
this took an embarrassing amount of time, and i mostly worked on it while sleep-deprived so forgive me if it's ooc

You stood at the front of the Shubert Theatre, the corners of your mouth turning upwards. Your best friend was coming to see you perform in the show that you were currently in, and you were thrilled to be able to perform for him.

A quick text was sent to him before walking into the theatre.


After a moment, he responded,

andrew: oh btw did i tell you that christian's joining us after the show

The thumping of your heart heart momentarily stopped. Andrew knew that you had a slight crush on your cast mate, Christian Borle. Of course he'd do this, why wouldn't he? Your question was: How did he even get ahold of him..?

Almost as if he read your mind, he texted you,

andrew: i still have his number from when we made out in front of like a thousand people

andrew: ...falsettos?
andrew: you wish you were me
i hate you
andrew: don't lie
shouldn't you be singing about god or something
andrew: shouldn't you be yelling at your husband because he's sexist or something
we do NOT bring up the bea understudy days and you know this
andrew: oops sorry my finger slipped!!

You rolled your eyes and left him on read as you went to do your stage makeup for the show. Even you had to admit that you looked somewhat hot in it. Part of you wondered if Christian had ever thought that, as well.

A voice interrupted your thoughts. "Something on your mind?" Angie asked while taking your hand in hers.

"Oh, just a friend is coming to see the show tonight..." You quickly replied while avoiding eye contact with her.

She studied your facial expression before responding, "Do I know them?"

"...Does Andrew Rannells ring a bell?" You awkwardly replied before her face lit up.

"Oh my God? As in, like, the Andrew Rannells? Like, Elder Price Andrew Rannells?" She excitedly asked.

"Mhm!" You nodded while going to put your costume on, taking your shirt off.

She let out a squeal of excitement. "Oh my God! Does Christian know? Y'know, since he was with Andrew in Fal—"

You cut her off with a groan. "Yes, he knows. Andrew told him."

Angie let out a playful chuckle before inching closer to you. "You guys should go out to dinner... You, Andrew, and Christian. Poor Andy would be a third wheel, tho—"

You covered her mouth with your hand as a blush formed on your cheeks. "No. It's... I don't like Christian like that."

The older woman wiggled her eyebrows. "Uh-huh. Daphne and Jerry are played by two separate people, too."

You stared at her, confused. "What?"

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