are you gay? | josephine x f!reader

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929 words
i haven't actually watched some like it hot, i just know the soundtrack
also there's like clips of josephine on tiktok
i'm in love with her

You watched as Josephine and Daphne boarded the train with the rest of the girls in the band.

You turned to Sugar Kane, a suspicious look on your face. "Isn't it a little suspicious that they showed up right when we were about to leave? And they play the exact same instruments that we nee-"

"I wish Josephine was a guy... Sax players are just so ho-"

"Yes, hot, I know, Sugar." You groaned out from beside her as she stared at Josephine, the new sax player.

You were the baritone saxophone player, but every jazz band needs a tenor sax player, or else... It just wouldn't sound right. Although, the music your band made already was breathtaking... It was just indescribable.

Anywho, back to the problem at hand. Josephine and Daphne. You stared at Josephine's blue dress, which (as much as you hated to admit it) looked amazing on her.

"Hey." You said while leaning on their seats, getting their attention.

"Hello!" Daphne responded in a friendly tone, her hand extended.

You reluctantly shook it. "So, what brought you two to Sweet Sue's band?" You asked while staring Josephine down.

"Uhm, we heard that she needed a bass and a tenor sax player... So here we are!" The girl you had been staring down answered in a rather nervous voice.

"Hm." You responded while examining the two. "Alright. The name's Y/N, the bari sax player." You responded while walking past their booth, and back to where you and Sugar were sitting.

"...So? What are they like?" She asked excitedly, taking your hands in hers.

"Suspicious," You responded while glaring at their booth.

"Aw, come on! You're being rude to them for no reason! They haven't done anything!" Sugar said while hitting your hand playfully.

You sighed before looking at her again. "I suppose you're right... It's just... Something isn't right about them, Sugar!" You exclaimed, frustrated.

She chuckled while giving you a... Well, a look that hinted at something. "I think you don't like them because you like them, Y/N."

You stared at her, your mouth agape, and... Your face red.

"I—What? No, what? Just because I'm... Y'know doesn't mean I don't have standards!" You exclaimed while playfully shoving her hands off of yours.

She snorted at how defensive you were getting. "Keep on telling yourself that, hun." Sugar left the booth with a cheeky smile on her face.

Josephine noticed that you were sitting alone, so she decided to use this as a chance to get to know you better... And maybe to get you to like her.

"Hello!" She greeted with a grin while sitting in the seat opposite of you.

You looked up to see the girl you disliked sitting right across from you. Great.

"Listen, lady. I don't know what your game is, but I know something isn't right about you." You leaned in, angrily whispering this to her.

She looked taken aback. "...Perhaps we started on the wrong foot. I really admire your work, Y/N. Been watching Sweet Sue's ever since you joined. You're... Fantastic on the sax. In fact, you're the person that inspired me to start playing." Josephine sweetly smiled at you while taking your hands in hers.

...Fuck. You were blushing. Like crazy. "I... Thank you?" You hesitantly responded while looking down at your intertwined hands.

She chuckled lightly. "No problem, sweetheart."

What the fuck did she just call you? Lord, your face got ten times hotter. "I, uhm... Sorry for... Treating you like... Well, shit." You awkwardly chuckled while avoiding her gaze on you.

"No worries, hun. You had every right to be stand-offish about someone who just randomly appeared." She sweetly responded while rubbing her thumb on the top of your hand.

You stared at her in the eyes, finally. She was rather beautiful if you must admit. Her blue eyes glimmered in the light, her blonde hair framed her face perfectly, and her lips looked so... Kissable.

"Listen, dear, I don't mind you staring, but it seems like you have a crush on me." Josephine chuckled while looking at you with a smirk.

"I—Fuck—I'm so sorry, Josephine. I—I can go—" She stopped you from standing up while grabbing your shoulder.

"Are you gay?" She asked blatantly, basically forcing you into the spot next to her.

"I..." You trailed off, avoiding looking at her in the eyes, basically giving her the answer.

"Hm. I figured. Now, tell me this. Do you actually have a crush on me?" Josephine asked you while looking at you through half-lidded eyes.

"...Would you hate me if I said that I think I do?" You asked sheepishly.

She chuckled while taking your hand in hers under the table. "Not at all, dear. If I were to be completely honest with myself, I think I may have a small one on you, myself." You quickly looked at her, just to make sure she wasn't joking.

"Ladies! We're at our stop!" Sweet Sue's voice rang out throughout the train, interrupting you and Josephine's moment.

You were currently on her lap, making out with her.

You gave a worried look at her, looking at your lipstick smeared on her face, and hers the same on yours.

She smirked at you reached her thumb up and wiped it away from your mouth before you did the same with hers.

Needless to say, you two left the train with your shoulders touching, and lipsticks just a tad bit less vibrant than they were when you boarded.

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