new beginnings | christian borle x m!reader

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1,943 words
mentions of eating disorders
reader is a model at the beginning
this was originally written as marvin x reader but i just realized this didnt fit him
You walked into the bar you once used to frequent in. You stared around at the decorations, taking everything in.

'Not one thing has changed,' You thought to yourself as you sat down, a tired grin on your face.

You ordered the usual, a whiskey on the rocks.

"Hey, is that seat taken?" A voice behind you asked while gesturing to a seat beside you.

"Hm? Oh, no. Go right ahead." You shrugged while sipping on your drink.

You could feel the man's eyes glued on you, which made you a little uncomfortable, yet intrigued you.

"I don't mean to, uh, intrude, but are you a model..?" The man asked while tilting his head.

You chuckled. "Unfortunately."


"I haven't had a proper amount of sleep in a month because of it." You replied, a tired half-assed grin adorning your face.

"Ah." He responded, looking away from you.

"Shit—I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I do love my job, it's just that the..." Your sentence was interrupted with a yawn, "Pardon, but as I was saying, the... The uh... I forget what I was going to say." You chuckled.

He also gave a light laugh. "Sounds like you need to take a week off and just... sleep."

"Man, I wish. I have appointments from the start of dawn to the middle of the night." This earned you a sympathetic look from the man.

"That sounds insufferable." He snorted before taking a sip of his drink.

"It.. It is..." With one final yawn, you fell asleep on the counter.

Christian, not knowing what to do, just stared at you.

He ultimately decided to pay for both of your drinks and drive you to his house, so you could sleep on something more comfortable.

Once he lay you in his bed, he left your phone and some Tylenol on the bedside table before going to sleep on the couch.

You woke up around 7 hours later, and you were terrified. You didn't know where you were, or what time it was.

You looked frantically around the room before looking at your phone and checking the time. 8:45. Great. You were late for an appointment.

You quickly stood up before slipping on your shoes and running into the living room before noticing a note on the door of the room where you just come out.

It read,

'Hi. I'm Chrisitan, the guy you made small talk with last night at the bar. You fell asleep on the counter, so I panicked and decided to take you back to my place so you could sleep properly. Don't worry, we didn't have sex. Also, there's Tylenol on the bedside table. Also also, here's my number in case you need anything . . .'

christian borle x reader one shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora