stress relievers | marvin x m!reader

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1,116 words
i've been writing this for weeks and just now finished this oops
dm the marvin spam, falsettos is my special interest rn 🙏
actually proofread for once

Marvin sat at his desk in his office. An ordinary day for him, nothing too out of the usual.

He got up to make himself yet another pot of coffee since he had been there all night. This case just... Just wasn't sitting right with him, and he (or anyone else) couldn't figure out how to defend his client.

He leaned back in his chair, giving himself a mental break. He thought of Trina, of Jason. Shit. Had he told Trina that he'd be out late? Probably not. She wouldn't mind, anyway. Or at least, she wouldn't act like she did.

He needed a break. A break from his office, a break from his job, a break from his life.

He ran a hand through his already messy hair when there was a knock on the door to his office. He looked at the time. 8 AM, it read, the red numbers on the clock irritating his eyes.

He eventually answered the door to see a young man with a camera around his neck.

"Hello, sir. Are you Marvin?" He asked, his voice so smooth for it being this early.

"Unfortunately." Marvin uncomfortably laughed before stepping aside to let the boy into his office.

He looked to be around... 20? 21, maybe? He was rather handsome, if Marvin was being honest with himsel—Wait. No, he can't think about men in that manner! It's... Well, it's just not right.

The kid chuckled, his voice low. "Your law firm wants me to photograph and interview you for the local paper. They say you're currently one of their top lawyers and want to get a peak inside your mind, sir... As well as advertising their business."

Marvin laughed in his head at how formal this interviewer was being. "Uh, sure, kid. What's your name?" He questioned while going to sit in the chair behind his desk.

"Y/N L/N, sir. Pleasure." He remarked while extending his hand to shake Marvin's, to which he gladly accepted.

"The pleasure is all mine," The older man remarked with a half-assed tone, looking at Y/N through tired eyes.

"So... When did you start working here?" He asked, pulling his notepad and pen out.

Marvin sat in thought. How long had he exactly been there? It felt like forever to him, which made him giggle a little bit.

"Just a bit over 5 years, so I believe around 1970?" Marvin responded, his voice low from how exhausted he was.

"Ah, I see... Let's move onto personal details if you wouldn't mind," Y/N looked up from his notepad just to make sure that Marvin would allow, to which he nodded.

"Do you have a wife, and or kids?" He asked, slightly leaning forward in his seat.

Part of Marvin wanted to say no—wait, why? He loved his family. He loved his wife, he liked girls... So now, why was he wanting to get the attention of a man?

"I... Yes. My beautiful wife, Trina, and I have been married for about nine years. Our son, Jason, is eight... I love them both very dearly." He added in that last part wearily.

The boy in front of him scribbled some things down onto his notepad, bringing his pen up to his mouth once he was finished writing. Marvin watched as his tongue swirled on the tip of it, slightly biting down on it.

I wonder if he'd do the same while on his hands and kne— He cut off his thoughts, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Mr. Gardens, you don't look too well right now. Do you want me to leave—" The lawyer stopped his thoughts by grabbing his arm instinctively.

"No." He said, not sure if it came off as a plea or a demand. Nonetheless, the reporter was flushed.

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, are you alright? You've been on edge ever since I came in here, and what would a lawyer of all people be nervous about? ...Unless they've done something wrong?" The reporter asked in a quiet tone, playfulness in his voice.

Marvin blinked at him. How did he...? Nevermind. A sudden wave of want and adrenaline came over him as he stood up.

"You know what? Yeah, I have done something wrong. I think... I think I'm more attracted to you at this moment than any woman in my life," He threw his hands down on the table, staring directly at Y/N, who looked hot.

"You know... I was hoping that you swung both ways. You're...Rather attractive yourself, sir," He breathed out quietly.

Marvin stared at the reporter before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a passionate kiss.

Y/N whimpered into the kiss, his hands immediately wrapping around Marvin's back. The older man used this to his advantage while he flipped the two so that the reporter's back was against his desk.

"Have you ever even done it with a man?" He scoffed while Marvin stared at him hungrily.

"Hm? Well, not exactl—"

"Mr. Gardens, may I come in? This is urgent." A voice outside called, and Marvin groaned.

"Just go sit in the chair, I'll tell him that you were here you interview me, if he asks." He sighed while opening the door.

It was his boss, and he looked frantic, to say the least. "What did you need, sir?"

"Ah, yes, well, you wouldn't have happened to have spent the night here, would you've?" The man asked nervously while messing with his fingers.

"Well, yes, sir, but I only spent it because I got so caught up in my work," Marvin explained while leaning in the doorway lazily.

His boss cursed under his breath. "Ah, okay. Your wife is out front, demanding to know where you are..."

The lawyer ran his hand through his hair before groaning. "Shit, okay. Thanks for informing me, sir..."

"No worries. I'd hurry if I were you. She seems angry." He chuckled before walking away.

After a beat of silence, Y/N spoke up. "You heard the man. Your wife is waiting."

Marvin turned sharply to look at the boy, who had a huge smirk on his face. "You... Fuck. Meet me here at 9 PM. We have," He walked over to Y/N and pulled them up so that he could put his mouth on his neck, "Unfinished business to attend to."

He chuckled while reaching his hand down to quickly grab the older man's ass, making him whimper in response.

"Whatever you say, mister." Y/N planted a quick kiss on Marvin's head before walking out of the door.

Fuck. Marvin was in for one hell of a night.

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