Chapter 12

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Season 2 episode 8

I was stretching next to Maddie when Abby then calls us in

"Let's go girls, get in here, shake the led out. Okay, now Hollywood Vibe, last week, you did an ok job, I thought it could have been better. Moving on, this week we are going to Fire and Ice right here in Pittsburgh." I then clap with the others

"And I have a reputation to uphold, it's much more difficult to walk in and compete against people you know than a bunch of strangers. Ok. Let's get to the pyramid. I hate to do this, but Kendall, you are back on probation." I then make a surprised face

"That's ridiculous, Abby. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM HER?" Jill yells

"Your head is distended, your shoulders are hunched, your rib cage is open"


"No, she doesn't make the corrections. I have been telling her since the auditions about her posture, and it has not improved once." Abby says

"I can't even believe. You know what? You should be on probation, not my daughter. I don't even know why I'm here. YOU HAD NOTHING NICE TO SAY TO HER SINCE THE SECOND WE GOT HERE. YOU KNOW WHAT ABBY? SHE DOES A LOT RIGHT"

"She turns like a top. But, that's what's good. I don't need to fix that."

"THERE'S A LOT OS STUDIOS OUT THERE WHO WOULD LOVE WHAT SHE DIES RIGHT. AND YOU KNOW WHAT, ABBY. WE'RE GOING TO ONE OF THOSE STUDIOS. I'M NOT PUTTING UP WITH THIS CRAP ANYMORE. We're done. That's it." They then leave, I felt so bad for Kendall and I wonder if Jake will still talk to me

"Next, Paige. You were on top, now you're obviously not. You couldn't remember the trio, unacceptable. Next, Brooke. Brooke, this who, mopey, teenager crap has to stop. You are the role model. Do me a favor, just smile. Mackenzie, the tricks are stronger, they're better. But you need a few ballet classes. Next we have Chloe, once again, nice, clean performance. Maddie, you redeemed yourself. No stupid mistakes. Next, Y/n you got first place on your solo, you looked amazing, good job. And deservedly so, for the first time." We then screamed and ran to her all happy

"You were on top of the pyramid because of your hard work and your determination all week long. To me, that's sometimes more important than any trophy and you shined. Your mother isn't always here, but she does make sure that your here. And you can see the improvement. This week your going to be doing a solo. Holly, she is going to perform, act, and look like a princess. Like I tell everybody else, it's tough getting here, it's even more difficult to stay here. Moving on to the group number. We are going to do a dance, it's called Head Over Heels. It's about falling in love and getting married." Mackenzie then raises her hand

"Yes?" Abby said

"Aren't I too young to get married?" We then laugh

"You're going to be dressed as brides, so I want your dads to be at the competition as if they were giving their daughters away. Alright, you're dismissed, thank you very much. Girls, when outside triple ballet pirouette, that's what I want to see, it's in the number." We nod and we start stretching, a couple minutes later Gianna comes in and we start rehearsing the dance. About an hour later we were dismissed to go to acro class, but Nia stayed so Abby can rehearse her solo.

The next day

I was in acro class with Brooke and I was doing flips, chin stands, elbow stands. When class was over Maddie was telling me about Abby talking about proposals and marriages and I start thinking that Abby found out about our mom's proposal

"Oh, make sure not to tell her" I tell her

"I know" she says rolling her eyes smiling, I give her a hug and I let her go over her solo.

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