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After the mission with Jack, Mia knew she couldn't continue to live two separate lives. She had to make a choice between her work with Lucas and her missions with Jack.

Mia sat down with Jack, telling him about Lucas's project and the work she had been doing with him. Jack listened attentively, nodding as she spoke.

"I understand," he said when she finished. "You have to do what's best for you and your future. You've always had the power to make a difference, Mia. Follow your heart, and don't look back."

Mia felt a sense of gratitude wash over her. She realized then that despite everything they had been through, Jack remained one of the most supportive and uplifting people in her life.

With a heavy heart, Mia left Lucas's project and re-joined Jack on his missions. She threw herself back into the work, determined to make up for lost time.

As she worked alongside Jack, Mia realized something important: her work with Lucas wasn't wasted. She had gained valuable experience and knowledge that she could put to use in her missions. Her telekinetic abilities had grown even stronger, and she found herself developing new strategies for taking down rogue individuals and corrupt organizations.

But aside from her growth as a guardian, Mia also began to notice a change in her relationship with Jack. They had always been close, but now there was something deeper between them. Mia found herself thinking about Jack more than she ever had before, and she knew that her feelings for him had grown beyond mere friendship.

One day, while on a mission, Mia was captured by a group of rogue individuals. Jack searched tirelessly for her, refusing to give up until he had found her.

When he finally did, Mia was badly injured, her powers weakened and nearly gone.

With tears in his eyes, Jack took Mia in his arms. "I won't let them hurt you again," he said, his voice full of determination. "I'll keep you safe, always."

As Mia recovered, she realized that Jack's words had meant more to her than she could comprehend. She knew then that she loved him, and that she wanted to spend the rest of her life by his side.

Mia took a deep breath, summoning up all her courage. "Jack," she said. "I love you. I don't know when or how it happened, but I do. I don't want to live without you."

Jack looked at her, his expression softening. "I love you too, Mia. I have for a long time."

With those words, Mia felt a sense of peace and happiness wash over her. She knew that they had a long road ahead, filled with challenges and dangers, but now they faced it together.

For the first time in Mia's life, she felt truly complete, and she knew that nothing could ever take that away from her.

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