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Sophia finally arrived in the town where the wealthy collector lived. The streets were bustling with activity, and she had to push her way through crowds of people to get to the collector's mansion.

When she finally arrived, she was surprised at how grand the mansion was. The walls were covered in marble and the gardens were full of exotic plants. Sophia felt a little intimidated, but she reminded herself that she had something that the collector wanted.

She took a deep breath and approached the door. A butler answered and asked her what her business was. Sophia explained that she had a valuable artifact that she would like to sell to the collector.

The butler led her into a lavish sitting room and told her to wait while he fetched the collector. Sophia looked around the room, marveling at the expensive decor. She wondered what it would be like to have that kind of wealth.

After several minutes, the butler returned with the collector. He was a thin man with a bald head and a sharp nose. Sophia could tell by the way he examined her that he was used to dealing with people of her kind.

The collector took a seat across from her and waited for her to present the artifact. Sophia reached into her bag and pulled out the golden statue.

The collector's eyes widened as he examined the statue closely. He asked her where she had found it, but Sophia simply told him that it had been passed down through her family for generations.

The collector offered her a sum of money that was far beyond what Sophia had expected. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should ask for more. But then she remembered the danger she had been in and decided to take the offer.

Sophia handed over the statue and the collector counted out the money. She thanked him and stood to leave, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.

As Sophia made her way back to the inn, she realized that she had never felt so free. She was no longer on the run, and she had enough money to start a new life.

Sophia smiled to herself as she walked, feeling grateful for all the twists and turns that had led her to this moment.

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