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Sophia walked for miles, her mind racing with thoughts of what she should do with the golden statue. She knew that it was worth a fortune, but she also knew that holding onto it would only put her in danger.

As she walked, Sophia noticed a small village in the distance. She decided to head towards it, hoping to find some food and shelter for the night.

When she arrived in the village, Sophia was surprised to see how small it was. There were only a few buildings in the center, and most of them looked abandoned.

But Sophia spotted a small, cozy-looking inn on the outskirts of the village. She walked towards it and pushed the door open.

Inside, she saw a warm fire burning in the fireplace and a few patrons sitting at the bar. Sophia made her way to the bar and ordered a hot meal and a room for the night.

The innkeeper, a friendly-looking woman with rosy cheeks, smiled at her. "Of course, dearie," she said. "We have a room available upstairs. It's not much, but it's warm and comfortable."

Sophia smiled gratefully and followed the innkeeper up the stairs. The room was small, but it had a cozy bed and a warm fire burning in the hearth.

As she ate her meal, Sophia started to think about what she should do with the golden statue. She knew that she couldn't keep it with her for too long, but she also didn't want to sell it to just anyone.

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She remembered hearing about a wealthy collector who lived in a nearby town. He was known for his love of ancient artifacts, and Sophia thought that he might be interested in buying the golden statue.

The more she thought about it, the more convinced Sophia became that this was the best option. She finished her meal and went to bed, feeling more at ease than she had in days.

The next morning, Sophia set out towards the town where she had heard the collector lived. It was a long journey, but she was determined to make it.

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