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Years had passed since Sophia and David’s trip to the cabin. But despite the passage of time, the memory of their love remained strong.

They faced numerous challenges along the way - obstacles that threatened to pull them apart - but they always found their way back to each other, just as they did on that first, fateful trip to the cabin.

Their love had matured and deepened over the years, and they had built a life together that was filled with joy, laughter, and adventure. They had shared countless moments of tenderness, support, and passion, and there was no doubt that their love for each other was true, deep, and unchanging.

But one thing remained the same, no matter how much time had passed.

Whenever they looked into each other's eyes, they still felt that familiar sense of comfort and security that came with the phrase, "It's you again."

In many ways, it was a reminder that no matter what had happened - no matter how many ups and downs they had faced - they always found a way back to each other. That no matter what the future held, they would always have each other’s hearts and souls to cherish and protect.

And so, years after their first trip to the cabin, Sophia and David sat in the backyard of their home, holding hands and watching the sun set. As the golden light bathed their faces, they shared a smile, knowing that they were meant to be together, now and forever.

"It's you again," David whispered, as Sophia leaned in to nuzzle his neck.

Sophia smiled and squeezed his hand, "And it always will be," she replied, knowing that their love had stood the test of time, and would continue to do so for as long as they lived.

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