Chapter 6: Nerf Wars Are Not Fun

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"What'd you call me?" 

I slowly looked up. It's Tom.

"Nothing" I brought my hand to my face and started nibbling on my nail.

His eyes trailed down me "Ewwwwww what the fuck"

Oh dear. 

I wet myself.

I ran as quick as I could, away from him, to my bathroom and cleaned myself up.

"Shit shit shit" I whispered to myself.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, tears stating to trail down my face.


"Oh" I grabbed a towel and rubbed my face to get rid of the tears. I walked over to the door contemplating a bit, then finally unlocked it. 

I looked at him then moved my eyes away.

Wait the piss patch is gone?

"I'm sorry" I mumbled.

"It's okay" He gave me a sincere look.

He then took my head and pointed it down and... wet himself.

"It happens to the best of us" He giggled a bit causing me to snort.

I put my hand over my mouth, shocked at the noise I just made. 

Gustav came out his room with carpet cleaner and a towel. "Not again" He grunted.

Megan came out my bedroom and looked at the floor "What the fuck?" She looked at Tom disgusted. She then took my arm and pulled me into the bathroom locking the door. 

"I guess they're not that bad..." I said daydreaming about Tom toe tickling me. 

She hit me across the face but a lot harder then she did last time.

"Y/n?" She looked at me concerned.

"What happened" I coughed as I got off the floor.

"You were passed out in the hall way" She put a cold flannel up to my face.

"What?" I sat on the counter accidentally falling into the sink.

"Well I may have slipped a little something in our drinks" She then helped me out of the sink.

"You spiked me?!" I whispered but I wanted to shout.

That bitchhh. 

"I didn't expect it to hit you that hard" She looked at me awkwardly smiling.

"Why would you do that?" 

"We were getting bored and I wanted to have a little fun" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Thanks, thanks a lot. You caused me to have an awful dream" 

"Awful? I swear you said 'I guess they aren't that bad' while smiling." 

"I... don't remember that"

"Yeah well you did. Just before I smacked you. Oh wait!" 

"What?" I said not being able to look at her in the eye.

"Was it about the band?!" She took my shoulders and shook them rapidly.

"I- I need the toilet" I pushed her off of me and jumped down.

"It wassssss. What happened?"

"Turn around please" I spun her to face the door.

"I'll stay looking away if you tell me while you pee."

Apple Core ~ Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now