Chapter 17: Where Is The Fun?

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Georg and Bill stop by the ticket booth where a grumpy old lady is sat. They try to get her attention but she's just ignoring them. She's shuffling through a fat wad of money when her eyes slowly roll up.

"What?" The hag snaps.

"Six tickets for the fun house please, it's urgent!" Georg says tapping his fingers on the counter.

"well... you'll have to wait your turn. There is already a family in there" She says slowly with a little smirk appearing on her mouth.

"Fuck this" Bill mumbles pulling out 50 euros from his pocket and slamming in down.

The hag practically has heart eyes, sliding the money into her pile. The tickets are only supposed to be 2 euros each so that's an extra 38 euros for her. 

Still taking her time she pulls out six tickets for us and passes them to Bill then winks at him. He takes them quickly making her annoyed at his urgency. Just as in looks like she's going to make a rude comment she sneezes making spit and snot spray all over Bill's back. The last bit of colour on his face washes away but he doesn't stop moving.

After giving the tickets in we run up a metal ramp, turning left to a spinning circle/ tunnel thing. Gustav is first but because he was running and not paying attention he slips and spins have way. Once he gets to the top he falls landing at the bottom again.

He was about to go around again but Megan and Tom help him up and they jump through. As I am at the back, I keep turning around to see if I can find the clown. I did see his hat through some people a second ago but that was near another attraction.

Now that I'm through we turn left again and there is a long corridor but the floor is moving. Some is moving back and for, one part is spinning one part is jumping.  Luckily there is a fence to hold on to so we're less likely to fall but it's still hard to move when your feet are going in two different directions. 

Everyone of us gets through pretty easy, not quickly but none of us fell over this time because we are really paying attention. We are also all sticking together. Don't want anyone left behind or too far ahead. 

Now we have to turn right but there is a little curtain. So we push pass that and now there is another corridor but it's larger and there are like hanging punching bag type things that we have to push through.

"You really thought it was a good idea to hide in her, huh Tom?" Megan says clearly annoyed.

"I don't know, it's better then being on bumper cars, trying to dodge the fucking clown" he reply's.

"We can't hind in here all day though, we came to have fun" I say accidentally hitting Georg with one of the hanging things. 

"Yeah!" Bill agrees.

We get to the end and we're all squashed together. Breathing into each others ears. I think someone had eggs for breakfast because eww.

"Where the fuck are we supposed to go?" Gustav says rubbing his collarbone. I don't think his fall was very fun.

It's really hard to see because one second it's pitch black the other a bright red light turns on. It's like an alarm or something. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea, like why not a blue light or a pink light. A pink light would be nice.

"Look!" I pointed my finger through them "There is a ladder"

"They made that obvious" Megan said sarcastically. 

One by one we make our way up. Me last, the strength it took me not to hit Tom on the ass is crazy.

"Oh verdammt noch mal" Bill groaned. 

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