Chapter 17 - Birthday Party

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THIS IS ONLY A SMALL CHAPTER 2.8K WORDS. I needed it to end when it did. You will understand why. 🤣

Yep, im running to hide.

You are NOT going to like this next heading. 🫣


~~~ 2 years later ~~~

The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words will always return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy. The best gift you can ever give someone is a hug. One size fits all, and no one ever minds if you return it.


Louis murmured in his sleep as sunlight crept through the slats of his blinds, gently coaxing him from his dreams. He was on the verge of returning to his slumber when a sudden disturbance abruptly interrupted his peaceful rest.

"Wake up, wake up, party now?"

Startling awake, Louis blinked his bleary eyes to adjust them to the sunlight flooding his bedroom. Confusion and amusement mingled on his face as he realized that it was his mischievous little girl Bree, who had crashed into his bed, determined to start the day with unrestrained excitement.

"Mama, mama, it's my number two birthday!" Bree exclaimed, her face alive with uncontainable joy as she counted it out on her fingers.

Yeah, that had happened.

Two years had passed since Anne had taken Baby Bree from Louis. Bree had been a nightmare for her, screaming incessantly and refusing to eat. Growing increasingly desperate, Anne had no idea what to do with the little girl.

One and a half weeks later, Anne found herself knocking on Louis' bedroom door, an unspoken plea in her eyes.

As Louis held Bree in his arms once again, a strange sensation began to spread through his body. It was an inexplicable feeling, and no one could explain the whys or hows of it. Louis' body had begun producing milk, and somehow, he became the little girl's mother.

It was a magical rendition, as if the universe had conspired to bring the two of them together. Anne and Jay, along with Louis' and the lads, were the only ones who knew about his newfound ability. They had put it down to their spiritual connection, strengthened by Harry's connection with Bree, and they all left it at that.

As Louis nursed Bree, something extraordinary began to happen. The little girl, once a source of endless frustration, transformed into the perfect little baby. Her cries quieted, and she became peaceful and content. In Louis' care, the once troubled child began to flourish, now deemed the perfect baby.

Louis watched with awe as the little girl who was once abandoned now sat on his lap, giggling in delight. The girl had started calling him 'mama', and it had touched him more deeply than he ever thought possible.

As she played with her toy in her hand, Louis couldn't help but reflect on how easily he had sunk into the role of being her guardian. It was almost as if this was his calling all along, to be a nurturing parent to a child in need. He had never planned for this moment, never expected it to happen. But now that it had, he knew he couldn't imagine his life without her.

Her big beautiful eyes shone with innocence and curiosity. Louis felt a deep sense of responsibility to protect her from the cruelty of the world and to give her a life of love and happiness.

He ran his fingers through her hair, her curls springing back into place as she looked up at him and smiled, as if she knew how much he loved her. In that moment, Louis felt a sudden surge of emotion, a love so intense that it took his breath away.

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