Episode 4.1: The Griffins

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Most of the defenceless citizens of Fort Worth have evacuated as the Mercenaries and Syndicate have planned a horde on the bordered city.

T: "Ms. Williams.. I swear, right hand to god I did not plan this... there are people who have higher ranks than me... I am just a survivor they found.. The only thing they told me is that they have my brother... that if I didn't do this.. they'd kill my brother.."

E: "Lies."

P: "Ms. Williams... give the kid a break.... he looks terrified.."

T: "I have information... I saw where they are based.."

E: "Coordinates, hm?"

T: "Yes... but.. there's one big problem.."

E: "What's that?"

[Flashback Scene]

Tony and his brother Alfie are hostage with a bunch of people surrounding them.

They are both in a storage facility with boxes with guns, drug containers and money piles.

Tony would wake up with tape on his mouth.

He would look around to see the men looking at them.

He would scream with a muffled voice, "ALFIE!, ALFIE!"

Ricardo would walk on near them.

He would remove Tony's mouth cover.

R: "Shut the hell up."

T: "Who... who are you..?!"

R: "We are the Mercenaries... and the Syndicate... one big empire. We have a job for you... ever been to Fort Worth?"

T: "No.."

R: "This is it on the map... this is us."

T: "So... North of here?"

R: "Correct."

T: "What is this job?"

R: "I need you.... to put this mask on... attract a swarm of the infected.. and I want you to knock the whole wall down... kill everyone there."

T: "Why would I want to do that?"

R: "It's either that.... or we kill your brother here."

T: "You won't do it."

R: "I would definitely do it... for the honour of this empire I will."

T: "You and your empire can go fuck yourselves."


??: "I can take over now, Ricardo.. thanks for that."

R: "Yes.. sir."

??: "Who do we have here?"

T: "Who are you..?"

??: "Oh my bad... I didn't introduce myself. I'm Norman."

T: "What do you want, Norman?"

N: "What Ricardo said.."

T: "Don't kill us.. please."

N: "Kill you..? Why would I?"

T: "He said he would do that.."

N: "He did..?"

T: "Yes.."

N: "Hey, Ricardo! Get over here, man!"

R: "Yes, sir?"

N: "This gentleman here.. said you were going to kill him."

R: "That's what you told me to tell him.."

Norman would scoff.

N: "I knew you would do this... the empire isn't all yours Ricardo... it was Jose's..."

R: "Now he and his son are dead.."

N: "Because you got knocked onto the floor by some random Texas boy who killed Davide.. and a little teenager shot Jose..."


Norman would swing his crowbar at Ricardo's throat.

N: "Do not raise your voice at me.. or every single person here will shoot you in the head... and there's a lot of us in here.."

R: "I know that.. but you're making this shit up, blaming me, just to make yourself look good."

N: "Lies."

He'd smash his crowbar into Ricardo's head and blood sprays out.

T: "OH.. MY GOD!"

Norman would pull the crowbar out of his skull.

N: "See what happens when you lie?"

T: "He said you lied.."

N: "Don't you start.." He would sigh, "Just... accept the job... or your brother will be goddamn next."

Tony would hesitate and stutter, "Y-yes... sir.. I will do it..."

[Back to Present]

E: "How should I believe this..?"

T: "South from here.. Waco.. a storage on the East of the town... it's gated up with a fence just like here... you believe me now?"

E: "I don't know... could be a trap."

P: "Ms. Williams.. the kid is scared to death.. he says he has a brother held hostage... and he was scared when I pointed a gun at him.."

E: "I... I guess.. he could stay here for 3 days."

T: "I can't do that, I should be back by now!"

E: "Why?"

T: "I JUST WANT TO SEE MY BROTHER, OK?!... I just want to know he's alive... well... and that sicko bastard didn't put a crowbar.. INTO HIS SKULL!"

Emily would look into his eyes.

E: "Petro please exit the room..."

P: "Yes, Ms. Williams."

E: "Here's our bargain. You tell him you killed us all.. say you want to be a member of his.. 'empire'.. everything goes to normal with them... after.. say a few weeks... we come at this bastard... and we get him killed..."

P: "So, are you saying..?"

E: "Yes... this is war."

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