Episode 5: The Syndicate and The Mercenaries

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This episode focuses mainly on how the Syndicate partners up with The Mercenaries.

N: "Damn... you look like shit!"

He'd hit someone with a crowbar.

N: "There was consequences that you knew!"

[Before The Apocalypse]

J: "Mijo.."

D: "Si, papa?"

J: "You understand how this is going to work right?"

D: "Of course... I've known how to do this for long... remember you're the leader of the strongest gang in Monterrey's territory.."

J: "Good wisdom, mijo.."

D: "Where even is this guy..?"

Two vans pull up to the place.

The Mercenary Guards step up.

One of them is Ricardo.

R: "Weapons, now."

N: "Chill out, Paco! You guys got the drugs?"

R: "Yes.. first the weapons."

They'd hand over the weapons.

Norman would whisper to one of his guys, "Where's the other box?!"

The man would reply, "It isn't full... my apologies, sir..."

J: "Norman... you promised 4 full boxes... where's the other?"

N: "Ha! That's so funny... uhm... so we actually have a half empty one....!"

Jose would step up to Norman.

J: "What you promise.. you bring. Do you have a re-negotiation?"

N: "Uhm...."

J: "Ricardo, kill him."

N: "NO! I... I got one.."

D: "Tell us."

N: "4 Full boxes of calibres... and.. my son.. he can join you.. he will boost your manpower of territory real quick.. he's killed several phonies..."

J: "What do  you think, Davide?"

D: "Show him to us."

N: "BEN!"

Ben would step out of the van.

B: "What?"

N: "These men want you to join them."

B: "Huh..?! WHY?!"

N: "It's for the trade... either that or we don't get out of here safe."

B: "You know what... FUCK YOU.. you choose drugs over me... why the hell does my life have to be like this?!"

J: "Boy, if you come with us I promise you true luxury. We have made so much money out of this."

N: "He's right... I checked in... and... insult me one more goddamn time... I will kill you."

J: "HEY! He's with us now. There's no killing okay?"

B: "I'm going... hopefully it's better than here."

Norman would feel true guilt.

[In the van]

D: "Your dad gives you a hard time, hm?"

B: "Don't even start man."

D: "I get it... I have a man in my life I look up to.. but he just doesn't have much time for me.."

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