Episode 4.2: Thriving

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[2 Months After The Swarm Invasion]

The Community of Fort Worth is Thriving.

Everyone is living the apocalypse in peace, but one person has a big concern for the city. Not Charlton, Not Oliver, But Emily.

She is scared that the Syndicate will come for them.

Only she and Tony knew the plan they discussed. No one else knew.

In her "office", She would get a knock on the door.

E: "Come in!"

The man would walk in.

E: "Hi, Mr. Goodman!"

J: "Ms. Williams, You can call me Johnny."

E: "Ok, Johnny. Why are you here?"

J: "I need to talk about the crops on my farm.."

E: "Why? What happened?"

J: "They're all gone. Cut up into small pieces of nothing."

E: "Oh god.."

J: "You think you could put up an investigation on this?"

E: "What am I? The police?"

They'd both laugh.

E: "I'm only joking... I'll send someone to look up on it."

J: "Thank you."

[On the Goodman Farm]

There would be a man who arrives on the farm.

J: "Hey there! Ms Williams, sent you?"

Johnny's wife comes out of the door.

M: "John, who's there?"

The man points a gun at Johnny wife and kills her.

J: "Martha!"

She'd drop and he stands there.


He'd come up to Johnny and push him down onto the floor.

??: "We took your crops."

J: "What?"

??: "Yeah, that's right. I'm supplying them to my empire... The Syndicate."

J: "Who are you..?"

??: "None of your goddamn business."

J: "Why are you here?! Who sent you?!"

??: "I'm here to warn you... Nobody has to know about this. Who sent me doesn't matter."

He'd walk off.

[Someone would knock on the door of Emily's office]

E: "Come in!"

[Tony would enter the room]

T: "I did it, ma'am."

E: "Good. How's it going?"

T: "Very well."

E: "I'm glad to hear our plan is succeeding."

T: "I am too."

E: "You can go now."

T: "Okay... bye."

E: "Bye!"

[Scene cuts to Charlton and Petro who now work as troops for the military]

C: "Ok, Petro, Head down on Beta! I'll take on Zone Alpha!"

P: "Ok, boss!"

Charlton partners up with a man named Raymond.

R: "I'll take down east Alpha, you down for West?"

C: "Hell yeah, I like blood."

R: "My man!"

Charlie would start gunning down the Infected in a mini-plaza.

Raymond would start shooting at infected in a motel.

Petro would fire his gun with his partner down at a museum.

They'd all meet up at a yard.

??: "Gentlemen, how was the training?"

R: "Good, sir."

C: "I presume you're the Trainer."

??: "Yes, but most people call me Ziggy."

P: "at ease, Ziggy. Or whatever... we're supposed to greet you with.."

Z: "That's a fine greeting to me, Petro.. Now. Let's all get back to the main training ground."

More training troops would be in a formation, Charlton, Petro, and Raymond would join the formation.

Z: "Okay, troops! you've all made through the week.. with the honour to congratulate you.. in honour of a former vet who died here, Martin Lee.. We decided to bring out our very own, Ms. Emily Williams!"

E: "Good day troops... I assume you might be wondering why we're applying more soldiers to the city.. We have a war to fight.. one with a group of men who invaded us 2 months earlier. We have found their coordinates, and we have 2 sources.."

C: "If I may ask.. Could we know what they are?"

E: "Well.. the first source was an inside man from their group..."

P: "Tony..."

E: "The second one...."

[The scene cuts to a cell.]

CP: "You ready?"

B: "Been ready since you've got me locked up in here."

O: "You get out... and you're officially a Fort Worth citizen."

B: "I know..."

E: "Troops... be ready... sometime soon we will be at an apocalyptic war..."

Z: "Till then.. they'll be in good shape ma'am."

C: "We fight for the honour of Fort Worth!"

[Crowd of troops cheer.]

[Outside the Gates There would be a light in the forest.]

[More lights would shine in the distance.]

[They would all be outposts of The Syndicate looking to invade Fort Worth]

N: "They don't know what's coming to them.. isn't that right, Alfie?"

AG: "Y-yes sir..."

[Zooming out to a scenery of the forest and more Syndicate Outposts showing their location with their lights during the night.]

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