Ur pretty face

427 12 2

I stretched a bit before feeling a body next to me in my bed. I looked down and it was just Kami. Kami ended up just sleeping over because of all the horror movies we watched last night. Plus it was way too late for her to go. My mom suggested it and I wasn't going to deny this opportunity. Good thing she brought her stuff, always have to make sure.

I got up after a while of just rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and cracking my back from the stretching. I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and do my morning routine. Once I finished that, I applied lip gloss, to keep my lips moist and not crusty.

I went back to my room and saw Kami was awake and on her phone. She noticed me enter my room and she smiled at me sleepily, putting her phone down. I returned her smile and jumped onto my bed.

"Morning, sis," I said, resting my head in my arms. She stretched and mouthed a 'morning'. "Did you have any nightmares?" I smirked at her while she just rolled her eyes and looked at me annoyed.

"Yea, I did. But that's because I told you I can't watch horror movies at night like that." I laughed at her response as I remembered how she would physically flinch every time something remotely scary happened. She started to get up and go to the bathroom, probably to do her stuff.

"I'll be back, I just gotta shower real quick 'cause I was sweating like I was workin' out." Her annoyance was clear in her tone. I laughed again, rolling over on my back, and reached to my nightstand for my phone.

I picked it up and turned it on. I thought my phone would be blowing up, not from followers or social media, but from my friends talking about the live they saw me in yesterday. Everyone, I mean everyone knew who Capri was. I then noticed that my phone was on DND. Thank goodness it was... I don't think I can take the constant buzzing coming from my phone sometimes.

I opened my phone and the first thing I did was go on Instagram, to see if the guys from yesterday were following me now. And they were, they even tried texting me to see if I would join another live with them later on in the day. I followed them all back and went to text them back. I noticed a GC that they made that had all of us in it. The last thing they said in the group chat was, 'Are y'all down for another live tonight??" It was Capri who sent the message this morning. I answered with 'I'm down'. I left the group chat and went to the private messages they were sending me.

Jalen💚|offline|: I heard there's some 'tension' between you and Capri alr😏
(SM Nickname): oml y'all believe anything🤦🏽‍♀️

I honestly don't understand how anything can be going on between us. We JUST meet!!

Jä|offline|: You and Capri are so weird...
(SM Nickname): you're just awkward...

I can't with Ja bro.

The last person to answer was Capri and he had more than one message. I don't know why, but I had a weird feeling that kinda made my stomach hurt. I clicked on it anyway.

Capri|offline|: Heyyy😊 yesterday at 12:34.❤️liked by you
           Yo (Second Nickname), you trynna play some imsg games??

No cuz why is he actually trying to be slick and get my number?

(SM Nickname): Are you just trying to get my number??

I left the chat with an eye roll and was about to turn off my phone when Capri immediately appeared online. Um... coincidence? I went back into the chat.

Capri|in chat|🟢

Capri|in chat|: . . .
Wow, no hello AND assuming😔 now.

So Fine~C4pr1i x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now