Live pt.3

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"You for real said all that on live. That's crazy." Jalen said laughing a bit.

I exaggeratedly sighed, rubbing my face in embarrassment. I just freaking met her! And I'm practically naked!

I'm scared now because I just sounded so desperate. And I don't think girls like that kinda stuff. Pretty sure they like it when a dude full-on just ignores them and stuff. For some reason.

It didn't help that all she texted was a wide-eyed blushing emoji. I'm not gonna lie, I would be weirded out too.

... I wonder if she likes my abs out though.

-(Name) POV-

My whole face was definitely bright red. I just couldn't believe that he really just admitted to liking me on live. And we barely know each other.

What makes it even crazier is the fact that he had no shirt on, showing his surprising build. He was also very sweaty, just adding to the imagery.

I don't know if he even noticed he was saying all this on live, but he did and that made me feel... happy. Or embarrassed? One or the other.

"Ima just end the live, not gonna lie," Capri said abruptly. I awoke from my train of thought and focused my vision back on the phone.

There was no time for the guys to say anything before the live ended. I raised a brow and went to his contact. I started typing, asking if he could call me right now. I didn't finish typing when 'Caprisun🤪💅', his caller ID, showed up on my screen. I took quick deep breaths and turned my camera off since I was in a 'I don't care what I look like right now' mood.

I answered and he was in his room in the dark and the only thing making him visible was his purple LED lights. His phone was up to his face so all I could see was his eyes and above. I could see his eyebrows scrunch a bit at the screen. He put his phone down on something and just looked at me. He still had no shirt on.

"Yo, why your camera off?" He asked, breaking the silence.

I smiled lightly and turned onto my stomach, "I'm lookin raggedy right now." I chuckled.

He shook his head at me and said, "Why are you lyin to yourself right now?"

"How am I lyin? I am."

"Okay, then let me see. I won't lie to you. Trust me." waving his hands around.

I laughed and turned on my camera. "There. Happy now, Capri."

He smirked a little while laughing. "Very." He answered simply. Then everything went silent and we just stared at each other for a while.

He started to smile at me making me smile and shy away from looking at him. I licked my lips a little and looked back at him.

"So... um. What was that about?" I asked.

"What was what?" He definitely knew what I was talking about. His face says it.

I took a few deep breaths. This was a little embarrassing to talk about. "Did you... did you mean what you said? About me?"

His smirk deepened a little and he looked down at his lap. Soon after he looked back up at me again. "I did. And I really wanna get to know you more because you seem very interesting."

I smiled brightly and quickly planted my face into my pillow. I could feel the redness rising to my cheeks. Grabbing my phone, I flipped on my side, bringing my phone with me. "I would like that."

The comfortable silence quickly returned. There was so much we wanted to say but we both knew that the time to ask those questions would come later.

Capri leaned closer to the phone and hesitantly said, "Can I... uh... ask you something, (Name)?"

I nodded softly, "Yeah, of course."

"Can we meet up?" He asked quickly.

I scrunched up my eyebrows and smiled in confusion. "What?"

"I mean, can we meet up?" He said just a little slower.

I chuckled at his embarrassed state and nodded happily. "Well, when would we do this? And do you even live anywhere near me?"

"You're gonna be surprised how close we live. Not in a stalker way." He added. I laughed quietly. "But anytime you want would be fine with me too." Aww, that's so sweet of him.

"Alright then, Capri. I'll let you know, don't worry." I said and turned over on my back, ready to hang up and take a nap. He smiled lightly and nodded. "Ima go to sleep now. I'm mad tired for no reason."

He chuckled lightly, nodding again. "Ight, then. Talk to you later."

"Talk to you later," I whispered. I quickly ended the call and started to squeal in happiness.

I kicked my feet in the air and hugged myself. I can't believe that just happened! And I can't believe I stayed so calm for that long. I bit my lip a little, feeling nervous for the hang-out he asked me out to. What should I take it as? A friendly meet-up? Or a date? I don't know but I'll find out later. For now, I'm gonna a enjoy this feeling and just hope it lasts long.

-Capri POV-

I can't believe I actually had the courage to ask her out! I felt like my heart was gonna explode out of my chest. It's so hard to believe that this pretty and genuine girl I just met is gonna go out with me. Well, not like that. At least not yet. But she's still going somewhere with me.

She's probably wondering how I know where she lives. I should've told her Kami told me.

Speaking of, I'm pretty sure I forgot to also tell her where we could go. Damn.

I'll text her later. It'll be too weird to text her right after I got off call with her... I think.

Heyyy... i'm alive guys!
Sorry its a little short. It's just a filler.😅
P.S. anyone else see he got a haircut😭 poor boy only wearin beanies now

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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