Chapter 2: Dinner?

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"So," Aether sat on the couch adjacent from the two guilty white haired women. He crossed his arms and legs. His eyes squinted. The two girls feel like they're being watched by a hawk. Which they should.

This guy's crazy enough to fight multiple dragons and gods.

Of course you're in trouble when you piss him off.

"I can pretty much tell how this whole fiasco happened. But. Why?" He continued. Actually breaking his fury with concern. "I get that Paimon's an idiot, but-"

"Hey!" Paimon interrupted.

"You know better to listen to her," Aether continued, ignoring his best friend's Paimonial anger.

"I...," Furina was at a loss for words. Her mind was scrambling. 'Should I lie? No. This is the Traveler we're talking about. He's able to make a solid rebuttal to whatever fake scenario I come up with. It would be better off if I tell the truth as is. But... I... don't...'

"Furina, we don't have all night," Aether reminded.

Furina clenched her fists and looked at him... for only a split second before looking down again. She cleared her throat. And suppressed her urge to break down crying. Or the urge to run away. There would be nowhere to run. She's seen how fast he is. He'll catch her. 

She might as well trust him. He's the Traveler. Practically a living legend who's also the local hero. Maybe even he could listen to an Archon's plight.

"I-I... simply wish... t-to...," Furina's tongue was tied. Her own bad habit when she's nervous.

"Paimon can speak up for you if you need to, Furina," Paimon pat her on the shoulder.

"No, no. I'll do it. I'm the Archon of Justice. And... I just needed a break from that," Furina told a half-lie. That could work right? The best lies are the ones that are somewhat true after all. She knows it's not just, but she's lied before. Why not again?

"For as long as there's crime, Justice needs to be served," Aether reminded her. Which made her heart ache a bit with guilt. "I get that you need a break, but your the symbol of Justice. If you're gone, it might as well just promote the opposite of that in your city. Neuvilette and the others would have a lot of work to do to fill that hole you leave them."

"I heard Morax did just fine when he did that," Furina justified.

Paimon's starting to think that this is another trial. A duel of wits between the two of them. And was it just her... or were these two enjoying it?

"Red herring. Morax had the luxury of having a stable government in the form of the Liyue Qixing and divine beings like the adepti to ward off the threats that came in it's way. Can you honestly say that Fontaine can handle itself when disaster strikes and you aren't there?"

"If I said that I left, then that would also lead to criminals to increase their activity in the city. Leaving like this would lead to public unrest, but it would give them the fear that I may be here. I am an Archon and my capabilities are far from the regular humans'."

"You've got a point, but your people are worried about you."

"They've got better things to worry about."

"Like what?"

"Their day-to-day lives. How often do you think of your own god when you live out your life? My people only need me when they need me. Or when I'm right there close to them. Asides from that, my power's really limited."

"You're shooting yourself in the foot you know?"

"I-I'm not! I..."

"You just said that your people don't care about you most of the time."

"It's not like I expect myself to be the thing that my people revolve around! They have their own lives and I have my own. So I have the right to exercise to do whatever I want with it."

"You're an Archon and it's your duty to serve them."

"...I'm not worthy to be the Hydro Archon."

"Then who is? I don't see anyone in Fontaine being close to your status-"

"Neuvilette can be the Hydro Archon if he wishes to be. He's better at judgements than I am anyway."


"Don't give me your pity," Furina looked at him... Her eyes were dull. Not full of life like what he used to see. Tears welled up in her eyes. Her breath was shaky. Nevertheless, she continued, "You must've heard my people talking about me right? I'm nothing but a puppet ruler. I don't value the concept of Justice as much as I should. The Oratrice is a better judge than I. Neuvilette is a better judge than I."

"...Are you angry at me for beating you in your own game?" Aether asked. 

"No! Not at all. You're... a marvelous opponent. Though it was embarrassing, it was my own misjudgment. It was my fault. If I wasn't so incompetent in my job..., then maybe my people wouldn't be slandering me for centuries. Maybe they would've actually respected me. Maybe-"

Furina continued to cry. Paimon flew to grab a nearby handkerchief and handed it to her. The Hydro Archon wiped away her tears. Aether was lost in thought on what he had to do next...

What should he do next?

He knows the responsible thing to do is to bring Furina back and clear this misunderstanding. Maybe even lie a bit to make her look better in front of the people who look down on her. 

But the alternative is to lie to Fontaine... and let Furina come back when she wants to. She's not entitled to her job anyway. She IS an Archon... but that's nothing more than a title in his eyes. Since being an Archon takes place second when they're his friends first. 

And Furina was definitely his friend...

"You're staying... Not for long, but for as long as you need to," Aether stood up. 

"...Really?" Furina asked.

"I'm serious. But first, dinner," Aether went to the kitchen. He took off his scarf and put on his apron. He prepared the ingredients for tonight's dish, Adeptus Temptation. It might take a few hours but with Cloud Retainer's Supreme Cuisine Machine, it should take only around 10 minutes. 

"Woohoo! Nothing's better than dinner!" Paimon beamed with excitement.

"You defrosted the chicken right Paimon?" He asked.

Paimon suddenly became afraid. "Uh... You know Paimon forgot since Paimon was too busy playing TCG with Furina and..."

"You're banned from TCG for a month," He said in a cold tone.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Paimon got to her knees in the air. "Paimon promises she won't do it again. Just don't ban her from TCG. I've yet to beat Bull Chucker in our upcoming match and Paimon needs the training!"

"Two months?" He asked, getting ever stricter.

"Paimon takes it back. Paimon shall accept her punishment and learn to be a better Paimon that has ever Paimoned," Paimon silently cried inside. 

"Well, since we're not having Adeptus Temptation tonight... I'll be ordering takeout from Hotel Deboard. What do you want?"

"Lasagna would be great!" Paimon answered. Her mood getting better at the mention of good food.

"Fontainian Foie Gras for me," Furina answered. Her eyes and face a little red from the previous crying session she had.

"Anything you want, Tubby?" He asked.

"I heard that the Mushroom Soup is good. I'll try that for tonight," the avian butler replied.

"Hopefully, that doesn't drain my wallet. I'll be back in 15 minutes," He said before leaving the Serenetea Pot.

"Take care!" Paimon waved goodbye.

Author's Note

Yes, I'm shipping these two. I call it Aetherina because Furinaether sounds stupid.

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