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- A little bonus. I couldn't help myself -

10 months later

I've always wondered what it would be like to live in a big house with a family.

Since the war, my life has been a roller coaster of nightmares, tears, and happy moments with my four brothers and fiancé.

We've all been up to our necks with renovations to my father's house but I'm truly happy with how it looks since the first time I stepped foot in the Nobel House of Black.

Mattheo and I decided to take my father's old room, keeping most of the furniture and his belongings because, to be honest, I'm not ready to part from him yet. Enzo decided to take Regulus's room next to us. Theo and Blaise have taken the rooms next to each other downstairs, yet everyone seems to be in mine and Mattheo's room, especially when a certain little Teddy is in there.

My pride and joy is always getting up to mischief when he's not supposed to, and the boys take care of him like he's their own son—it's so adorable. Especially Draco, who is always around when he has time just to see the little boy.

The boys have all kept to their word about being home every Sunday for dinner. Even Harry comes over with Ginny and the same with Monie, Ron, and Neville. Luna comes over regularly since she and Blaise started dating, which wasn't much of a shock to me at all. I still remember the day we all got high together, and he was blushing hardcore when she arrived.

"Are you ready?" Monie asks as she walks into the room in a green silk dress with Teddy dressed in a suit on her hip.

A few months ago, Andromeda, arrived at the house with little Teddy in her arms. She told me that Uncle Moony named me and Harry the godparents over his son and she wished for me to raise him. Of course, I accept and have raised him as my own son since, but I remind him that Mattheo and I are his aunt and uncle, not his parents. I could never take those title's away from my second father and mother. If anything, he's more like my little brother.

"I think I am," I look at myself in the mirror, down at the white dress with lace sleeves and at my black hair that is naturally down with a silver headband. I didn't bother to do much with makeup, just a natural look since I'm not trying to impress anyone but my fiancé that has already seen me at my worst. "How do I look?" I ask her and turn around with a smile.

She covers her mouth as tears well in her eyes. "You're glowing, Valen. Absolutely glowing."

I'm nervous as hell and her reaction and words bring the biggest smile to my face. Teddy holds out his arms to me and I walk over to him, taking him from Monie's arms and placing a kiss on his head before hugging Monie.

"You ready to walk down the aisle with me, little man?" I question Teddy as he smiles up at me and nods his head.

My father and Uncle Moony may not be here to walk me down the aisle but at least I have this little man to do it. The boys got into an argument about who would give me away after I couldn't decide but then when Teddy showed up, I just knew it would be him, even if he didn't understand. The last wedding I went to, I asked Moony to walk me down the aisle and he was meant to, but now he can't. So, today, his son will do the honors.

"Where's the bride!" Ginny shouts as she steps into the room but then stops as she sees me and gasps. "Tina, you look beautiful."

I lightly laugh and smile as Luna walks in behind her, both of them wearing the same dress as Monie.

"We have to go," Luna says softly. "White suits you."

"Thank you, Luna and Ginny," I say and pick up my bouquet of green and white roses. "I think I'm ready."

"If he doesn't cry, then I'll give him a reason to," Ginny says as she pushes the girls out of the room.

Teddy giggles and I adjust him on my hip before fixing his tux. "Your mum and dad would have loved to see you today," I say to him, and he hugs my arm.

I take a deep breath, calming my nerves before walking out of the room and toward outside where I've spent the last two days hanging up fairy lights in the tresses above and around the reception.

I hear the piano play a soft turn as I smile and walk down the aisle with Teddy, hiding his little face in my chest as all eyes turn to us. My smile grows as I see Mattheo in his all-black suit, whipping under his eyes as he smiles at me. In the corner of my eyes, I spot Enzo, Theo, Blaise, and Draco, lined up next to him with tears in their eyes.

Never have I felt so much love from anyone until Mattheo and even now, that love still radiates and makes my body erupt in butterflies.

Monie steps forward, taking Teddy from my arms to her own as I step in front of Mattheo, his smile matching my own.

"I don't think I'll ever not be fascinated by your glow and beauty," Mattheo says as my face heats up.

He takes my hands in his and I kiss him on the cheek. "You're as handsome as the day I met you."

Mattheo Riddle is the man I'm starting the rest of my life with, and I can't think of anything or anyone better. It's funny that we started off not liking each other, always arguing and on each other's nerves. Now here we are, renovating our own home, raising Teddy, and getting married.

Our love was destined to be doomed from the start, yet we crushed all odds. I wonder if our fathers are rolling in their graves. I can imagine my mother and Uncle Moony scolding my father from heaven, but I also know he would be happy that I'm finally happy.

"Mattheo Riddle, do you take, Valentina Black, to be your wife till death do you part?" The man asks.

Mattheo smiles and slips the diamond ring on my finger. "I do. Forever and always."

"Valentina Black, do you take, Mattheo Riddle, to be your husband till death do you part?" The man now asks me.

I don't hesitate as I say, "I do. Forever and always," and slip the black band on his finger.

"You may kiss the bride."

"I love you, Valentina Riddle," Mattheo says softly before our lips connect and I smile into the kiss as the boys howl in cheers and applause erupts behind us.

Happy tears leak from my eyes as we pull away and smile at each other. "I love you, my husband and the father of our child growing in my stomach."

His jaw drops and then he cheers and lifts me up, twirling me around as I giggle and hold his shoulders.

"I'm going to be a father!" He cheers as he puts me down and all our friends and family cheer with him.

I place a hand on my stomach, picturing our child growing in me as he kisses me again and then pulls away to the boys hugging us and congratulating us on the news of our baby.

I couldn't think of a better man to spend the rest of my life with or to raise a family with. 

He was right, I would fall for his smirk one day, and I fell hard.

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