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I woke up in the morning to the sound of my phone's text tone going off repeatedly.

I groaned and grabbed it off my nightstand to see my lock screen completely covered by texts from Audrey.

My first thought was why she was up so early because she usually gets up at like noon, but my question was answered when I clicked the notifications and the first message she sent was "ALANA IM AT THE BEACH FOR THE SUNRISE W ABBY RN BUT I ALMOST FORGOT TO ASK U SO ANSWER ME ASAP PLZ BAE".

When I kept reading I found out that that night her, Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail were having their 'annual summer sleepover' at Sam's house and they wanted me to join them.

I quickly and excitedly responded saying I could go and she had already told me all the information I needed during her spam so I planned to get to Sam's around 7pm.

It was only 6:15am right now so I had the whole day to build up anticipation and anxiety about it. Great.

Thoughts filled my head like: what am I going to wear? Do I bring food or should I just bring myself? What's it like sleeping at Sam's house? Where in his house are we even going to sleep?

I quickly dismissed it all and decided to overthink the sleepover later in the day. Right then I needed to do my chores.

So per routine, I grabbed my watering can and went out to water my crops. I had a decent amount now and even a couple sprinklers, but I still had a few crops I had to water everyday.

I then went to the chicken coop and put hay in the feeding bin for my chickens named Mark, Bob, and Jack. I was planning on getting another but I don't know when I'm going to have the time- I've been so busy with wrapping up the summer season.

I collected their eggs and hung out with them for a while before going to sell what I collected.

It was about 10am so I went inside and did some organizing in my chests before heading to the Saloon for lunch.

When I got there, the place was just opening so Gus was flipping the chairs back onto the floor and wiping up some tables.

"Hey Gus! What's for lunch today?"

"Alana!" he responded with a big grin. "Our special today is our Fruit Salad if you'd like some."

I nodded and he went behind the counter to prepare it. I sat down at the bar while he did so.

A few minutes later I heard the Saloon door open and Audrey walked in.

I waved to her and her face lit up instantly.

Today she was wearing one of her classic looks of a black tank top, camo cargo pants, black boots, and lots of jewelry.

She grabbed her apron off of a hook behind the counter and tied it around her waist before coming over to say hi.

"Sooo, are you excited for the slumber party tonight?" she asked eagerly while leaning her elbows on the counter.

"Of course! Are you sure there's nothing I can bring for us all to share or something?"

"Nah, I bring food from the Saloon and Sam has a few games and stuff at his place so we're all set really."

I smiled at Gus as he handed me my salad and took a bite. It was amazing.

I chatted with Audrey for a couple hours and since it was a Wednesday it was pretty slow and Audrey only had to actually do work things a couple times while we talked.

After a while I went home to pack for later and Audrey told me she'd meet me at Sam's house around 8 because she didn't get off until 7:30.

As I walked home the questions from earlier started to resurface in my mind. I tried to ignore the anxiety over it by reassuring myself that I'd hung out with these people tons of times and I'd be fine, but for some reason it felt different form the other times we'd been together.

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