Chapter 1 - Where It all started..

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When they were younger - "Niki come back!! I didn't finish your hair yet" Y/n shouted happily. "I don't want pigtails with bows! I want a cool mow-hawk" Niki shouted. "Ew no! That's ugly Niki!" Y/n yelled at niki. "Can we just keep ur hair the same? It's already pretty enough!" Y/n said. "Okay! Y/n let me do your hair and pick your outfit for tonight's dinner!" Niki said. "Okay sure but it has to be cute and pretty!" Y/n sits in the chair happily while Niki carefully brushed Y/n's hair. Niki did a cute braid with a bow for Y/n. "Omg Niki this is so pretty! It's beautiful, I love it!! Thank you so much Niki" Y/N said while giving Niki a big hug. Niki blushes and hugged Y/n back. "It's no big deal I-I'll be happy to do your hair whenever you want!" Niki said. Niki told Y/N he didnt have experience but Konon helped him practice for this moment

Dinner time- "Mommy I wanna sit next to Niki!" Y/N said. Y/N and Nikis parents were really close friends and rich business parents that went to college together. Niki and y/n sat next to each other and both ate tons of kimbap and bimbap. " Y/n Say ahh!" Niki fed y/n and y/n fed niki. They were having so much fun!! Y/n and Niki both headed to Nikis house for a sleepover. (They are 11 so they are aloud to) They got to Nikis house and got ready to watch a movie . They grabbed Snacks and drinks and blankets for the movie. When it was time to pick a movie Niki picked a scary movie. Y/n hates scary movies but she didn't wanna disappoint niki. Half way into the movie y/n gets scared and quickly hugs niki. "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that!" 
Y/n said. "It's okay Y/n. Here come sit on my lap and i'll hug you whenever you need it throughout the movie." Niki calmly stated. So y/n sat on Nikis lap.
(2 hours later) "Y/n the movie is ove- ." Niki looked down and saw Y/n sleeping in his lap holding onto Niki very tightly. Niki blushes and patted her head. Niki looked at his phone and saw it was 2:34 am. He quickly opened his instagram and took a quick picture of y/n sleeping in Nikis lap. After he put his phone on the table and picked Y/n up. "Lets go to my bedroom.." Niki whispered. He brought you over to his bed and laid you down. Once he laid you down he was about to walk away until he felt a tight tug on his shirt. "Niki , please don't go.." Y/n mumbled. "Oh uhm, Okay. I'll stay here with you until morning.." Niki said. So Niki laid down and hugged Y/n and they both fell asleep.

   Next day 8:30 AM - Niki wakes up seeing Y/n cuddling him. Niki gently pushes y/ns hair to the side to her face. Then y/n rubs her eyes and sees Niki. "Your awake.." Niki said. "Let's go have breakfast! I already told the chefs to make us waffles , eggs and bacon.." Niki told y/n . "Okay , Thank you. I'm gonna get ready. Why don't you come with me?"  Niki smiled at y/n "Sure why not?" So they both went too the bathroom and y/n did his skincare on Niki. She put cleanser all over Nikis face and they were laughing so much.

     Days like this happened a lot. Niki and y/n got really close. They never kept secrets from eachother , went to school together and even slept on the same bed together.

Niki x Y/N angstDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora