Chapter 10 - Night with Jake and Sunghoon!

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After they got home (around 11 PM) someone was waiting for them at the door! "Niki Bear!! I've been waiting for you all night ! By the way your friends from your K-pop group came over!" Sooha said! "Thanks for letting me know we are gonna go upstairs now!" Niki said, then he took y/ns hand and brought her upstairs. When he opened the door to the room all the members went to hug y/n! "Y/n! We're so glad to see you! We got you tickets for our concert!!" Jungwon said! "Thank You So much!! I'll make sure I am going!" Y/n said. "You guys! Get out! You can stay but go to a different room!" Niki said angrily. "Y/n you can stay in me and Sunghoons room tonight to get away from this anger machine!" Jake said teasing Niki. "No she isn't going with you guys! She is staying here with me!" Niki said. Jake grabbed Y/n and hugged her. "Uh Jake-" Before y/n could finish he picked her up and brought her to Sunghoons and Jakes room. "Hey Y/n! I haven't seen you in forever!" Sunghoon said. "We have a TV in our guest room so let's watch a movie tonight!" Jake said. "Uh oh Nikis coming!" Jake said while Niki ran after Jake. Jake quickly but y/n on his back and ran into the room laughing at Niki. He locked the door with Sunghoon. "Sunghoon hold our princess while I block Niki." Jake said. "Got it!" Sunghoon gently grabbed y/n and held her like a baby. "You guys i'm not a baby or a princess!" Y/n said. Jake looked back at y/n and laughed. Then Niki pushed the door open! "Y/n come back and get away from these weirdos!" Niki said. "Niki it's one night! Let me hangout with them for a bit! Please!!" Y/n said. Then while Sunghoon and Jake weren't looking she gave Niki a kiss on the cheek. "Come on~! Please just once!!" Y/n said. Niki was blushing so hard and said "O-okay fine.. Just once ! No more than that! Have fun .. I love you.." "Thank you thank you! I love you a lot too!!" Y/n said. Then she gave him one last hug and then Niki left.

       "Y/n! What do you wanna watch?" Sunghoon said. "Let's watch a scary movie!" Jake said. Y/n didn't want Jake and Sunghoon to make fun of her so she agreed. "Sunghoon.. This might be weird but can I sit next to you..?" Y/n said. "Yeah of-course ! Come here!" Sunghoon replied. He grabbed Y/n's waist and pulled her onto his bed. Sunghoon pulled the blanket and covers over y/n and sat with her. A really scary part came up and y/n quickly grabbed Sunghoons hands and held them tightly. A second after she hugged him tightly using his body to cover her eyes. "Haha! Y/n are you scared??" Jake said laughing. "Y-yes.. I'm sorry i'll stay quiet!" Y/n said. Jake quickly got up and went over to Sunghoon and y/ns bed. "Jake get away this is me and Y/ns bed! Go back to yours!" Sunghoon said. "Y/n don't hold this weirdos hand! You can hold mine!" Jake said. "You guys let's just go to bed.. Y/n slept on one bed and Jake and Sunghoon slept on the other. At night Jake walked over to Y/ns bed and laid down next to her and hugged her. "J-jake? What are you doing.?" Y/n said and a soft and quiet voice. "Mm.. Y/n I cant sleep.. Please just let me cuddle with you for bit..??" Jake said. Y/n was so tired to she went back to bed and just cuddled with Jake. *Knock Knock* Niki opened the door and saw Jake sleeping next to Y/n. "Y/n Are you ready to-.. Jake you little Bi**h." Niki said. "Haha.. Man I stole your girl..! You know everyone likes me more than you!" Jake said jokingly. "Whatever! Y/n let's go." Niki said while y/n was still half awake.. "Mm.. Niki it's 8 AM can I sleep just a little longer..?" Y/n said. "You can rest when we get back to our bed room. Let's go princess..!" Niki said while grabbing y/n and carrying her like a baby. "Bye Jake and Sunghoon.. See y'all tomorrow at the concert!" Y/n said. While Niki walked out of the bedroom he said. "Hm.. What was Jake going to do to you if I didn't walk in.. Princess.. Never lie to me.." "Okay I won't lie but it was late at night and Jake couldn't sleep with Sunghoon because he kicks in his sleep.. So he went over to my bed to cuddle with me and then we went to bed.." Y/n said. "Y/n go to the bathroom now..!" Niki said. He ran some hot water in the shower while y/n got undressed. ( Ik it sounds weird but don't make it sound weird.)  "Y/n the water is warm go in." Niki said. He helped y/n go in and helped washed her hair and body. "Make sure none of Jakes hand prints or germs are left on you.." Niki said. "Are you jealous..? Ohhh I see why your mad. Because you had a lonely night and found out I was cuddling another man.!" Y/n said while smirking. "Okay y/n go dry yourself I'm going to go wait outside." Niki said.

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