Chapter 44

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The sun bathed the room in a warm, golden glow as Jihyo and Yoongi sat around a large, elegantly decorated dining table. The table was adorned with wedding planning notebooks, magazines, and colorful swatches of fabric, a tangible representation of the exciting journey they were about to embark on. Surrounding them were their parents, the TWICE and BTS members, all gathered together for a day of collaborative wedding planning.

The room buzzed with a mix of excitement and anticipation as they delved into discussions about themes, venues, and all the intricate details that would come together to create a wedding that was a true reflection of Jihyo and Yoongi's love story.

Jihyo's mother, known for her impeccable taste and attention to detail, flipped through a wedding magazine with enthusiasm. "I've always envisioned a romantic garden wedding for you, Jihyo. Flowers cascading down, fairy lights twinkling in the evening sky..."

"—and a live band playing our favorite songs," Yoongi finished with a smile, his eyes locking onto Jihyo's. "What do you think?"

Jihyo's face lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "I love that idea, Mom."

Yoongi's mother leaned forward, a twinkle in her eyes. "And we can't forget about a beautiful and heartfelt song composed by the groom himself."

Jihyo's parents exchanged a knowing glance, a subtle nod of approval shared between them. "That sounds like a wonderful touch," Jihyo's father chimed in.

Namjoon, ever the thoughtful planner, raised his hand with a grin. "How about personalized wedding favors? Something that represents both of you and your journey together."

The room was alive with enthusiasm as ideas flowed freely, each suggestion carrying the essence of Jihyo and Yoongi's love story. Seokjin's creative mind painted vivid images of the décor, while Hoseok animatedly described a dance performance that seamlessly combined elements from both BTS and TWICE.

Tzuyu's soft voice chimed in, "I've heard of a beautiful tradition where the couple plants a tree together, symbolizing the growth of their love."

Jihyo's gaze shifted to Yoongi, her heart swelling with emotion. "I love that idea. A living reminder of our journey, our roots."

The atmosphere was filled with unity and shared excitement as the planning continued. It was a true blending of families and friends, each person contributing their unique touch to create a day that would be etched in memories forever.

Hours passed in a joyful blur, the room transitioning from detailed discussions to fits of laughter and shared stories. Eventually, it was time for a well-deserved break. The group gathered in the cozy living room, cups of tea and coffee in hand, as they basked in the satisfaction of their progress.

Yoongi leaned back on the plush couch, his eyes tracing the room filled with loved ones. "I can't believe this is happening. Our families and friends are coming together like this."

Jihyo nestled closer to him, her hand finding him under the table. "It's a beautiful feeling. Our love story is not just ours anymore. It's become a part of everyone's lives."

Seokjin raised his cup, a mischievous grin on his face. "To Yoongi and Jihyo, the dynamic duo. May your wedding be as extraordinary as your love."

Glasses clinked, and laughter filled the room, carrying with it the promise of a future filled with joy, love, and shared dreams.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm and golden glow, Jihyo and Yoongi looked at each other, their eyes reflecting a deep sense of contentment. The wedding planning had brought them closer to their loved ones, creating a bond that was unbreakable.

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