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The LA county police department wanted your wife in prison for lying on them - but you convinced them it was just her mental illness causing her to think her vivid hallucinations are real.

They seemed to accept the excuse at the time - so you were quite dismayed to find a court ordered psychiatric evaluation for your wife waiting in your mailbox the very next day....

You had just 48 hours to turn your wife into the local insane asylum for a thorough evaluation of her mental health.

If she passed the test, she would be allowed to stay home.

If she failed, she would need to stay in the mental asylum until she got better.

You didn't want your wife anywhere near a nut house!

It would completely ruin your good reputation!

How could you fight for other people's rights when you couldn't even fight for your own wife?

Absolutely not!

Billie couldn't go anywhere!

She belonged at home with you taking care of your daughter!

You couldn't raise Nora on your own!

A young girl needs her mother!

Billie found the letter in the trash and grew hysterical.

She said she would rather jump off the Golden Gate Bridge than be locked up against her will with a bunch of crazy people!

You assured your wife that she wasn't going anywhere!

In fact you ripped up the offensive legal document right in front of her!

"- I'm a lawyer! I know my way around the law! I'll settle this!" You promised your worried wife.

Thankfully, your wife trusted you.

You knew it was going to be a fierce battle, but you were ready for it.

You went straight to the judge who ordered the evaluation and requested an emergency meeting.

He was actually on his lunch break when you showed up at his chambers.

Thankfully he was in a jolly mood so he allowed you to sit with him and chat as he munched away on a double cheeseburger with cheddar fries.

You let him know right off the bat that your wife was in no condition for a mental health evaluation right now.

She was depressed after all!

The last few days had been especially harrowing for her.

After all..... more dead babies had just been found.

A dozen more - all of them hanging in a Louisiana marsh.

White babies ranging in age from 2 months to 2 years.

A retaliation.

Talks of a race war in the south were on the rise.

You were glad you didn't live down there - but you lied and told the judge your wife has white family down in Louisiana and she's worried about them.

Unfortunately, the judge said the only way to get your wife out of the mandated psychiatric evaluation would be if you and her were going out of town within the next 48 hours on a prebooked trip.

Since you mentioned Billie had family in Louisiana - the judge said he was willing to dismiss the motion for evaluation if you showed him a train, bus or plane ticket within the next 48 hours that listed Louisiana as your destination.

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