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You were horrified finding out Lathan was a wanted rapist.

You wanted him no where near you or your daughter!

Especially after hearing the horrid details of his crimes from the security guard!

Lathan was no guardian angel at all!

He was nothing more then a heinous household thief who snuck into young women's bedroom windows at night and viciously sexually assaulted them before robbing them blind and escaping into the night!

There was no way in hell you wanted somebody like that anywhere near Nora or Billie!

What if he tried to rape your wife?!

What if he tried to rape your baby girl?!

Billie was strong enough to fight back if he ever did try to attack her but not baby Nora!

Baby Nora was completely defenseless!

If Lathan attacked her - she would die of internal injuries!

Just the thought of Lathan even looking at Nora filled you with revulsion.

You couldn't help your overprotective anger!

You're a father after all!

It's your job to protect your daughter!

Lathan had the audacity to actually hold his arms out trying to hold Nora as you entered the shelter parking lot.

You held her closer to you with a frown.

He saw the looks of disgust you and Ernest were giving him and said it wasn't what it sounded like.

That none of it was true!

That he wasn't a serial rapist who broke into girls homes to rape and rob them.

He said he had been framed by an old friend who set him up.

You didn't care.

The allegations alone were enough to cause suspicion.

You just wanted to get to your wife.

Lathan had taken the city bus to the shelter looking for Nora.

Ernest said that he could hop on the RV with you and his family.... As long as he stays sitting in the passenger seat right next to him while he drives so he can keep a close eye on him.

You knew what that meant.

It meant Ernest didn't trust Lathan anymore than you did.

You didn't even blame him!

He had a wife and three young daughters to look after!

Lathan didn't listen to Ernest though and just 20 minutes into the trip, he got up to "use the bathroom"

You would have followed after him to make sure he wasn't doing anything suspicious but you were actually in the middle of changing Nora's diaper on Ida's changing table in the hallway.

Ida's diapers were a lot bigger than Nora needed,
so you had to fold them over with some extra tape to keep them from falling off of her.

You were still powdering her, so you made a big scene of blocking Nora with your body as Lathan walked by.

You didn't want him staring at your daughter's butt or something.

As soon as you pulled up to Lathan's house you hopped out of the RV behind him and followed him up to the old Victorian home he said belonged to his dead grandmother.

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