Proverbs 26:28

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*Disclaimer* Mentions of rape

Billie claimed she wasn't masturbating with that cucumber, after you chased her into a bedroom.

She held Nora against her chest and backed into a corner as she explained how Lathan invited her to stay here and sleep in this room, so she would never waste his groceries like that knowing there were empty store shelves because of the hurricane.

Then your wife said Lathan drugged her orange juice this morning before he called her downstairs for breakfast.

She said she passed out on the couch while washing down a banana nut muffin with the poisoned juice and woke up to Lathan raping her with that cucumber...

That she tried to fight him off and push the cucumber out of her vagina, but she was too weak and couldn't move.

She said everytime she squeezed it out he would just shove it back into her canal harder!

That he was playing with his own stiff peter as he ravished her with that hard cucumber!

She said she could prove it!

That he bruised her cervix, and you could check yourself with a flashlight and see she's telling the truth!

Your blood was boiling in fury at that point and you nearly exploded in a rage when Billie claimed Lathan told her he knew were Nora was and he was going to rape her too!

The anger that erupted throughout your body made you involuntarily clench your teeth and fists.

Your suspicion about Lathan was right all along!

He was a serial rapist just like the guard said!

He attacked your wife - and he was after your ten week old daughter next!

Thank God you reached the shelter first and rescued Nora before Lathan could get his filthy fucking hands on her!

Had you not gotten to her in time, she would have suffered the same fate as Billie!

You had to kill him!

To stop him from ever harming another girl!

You had gotten away with murder before and could certainly do it again!

You hurried downstairs to confront him with a solid punch to the face, but you couldn't find him anywhere!

You couldn't find Ernest or his family either!

You checked all of the rooms, as you called out for them - warning them all about Lathan.

All the rooms were empty... but you found a sickening scene in the kitchen....

Right there on the counter was another cucumber

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Right there on the counter was another cucumber.. this one with a condom stretched over it.

It was right next to a bottle of baby oil on the left and a brand new pack of diapers on the right...

Lathan had been planning to brutally rape your infant daughter with a cucumber all along.

You didn't know what made Lathan a sick twisted freak of nature and you didn't care - you were about to put him down like the sick son of a bitch he is!

You howled in fury, venting your verbal frustration as you grabbed the biggest, sharpest butcher knife you could find in the kitchen drawer.

"LAAAATHAAAAAN! YOU'RE A FUCKING DEAD MAAAAAN YOU SON OF A BIIIIIIITCCCCHHHHHH!" You screamed loud enough for all of his neighbors to hear.

In response, you heard a scream for help come from below your feet.

It sounded like Agnes!

Your blinding fury suddenly turned to worry and fear.

If Lathan attacked Billie and tried to go after Nora, he was certainly going after Agnes, Bea, Trish and little baby Ida too!

You had to stop him!

"ERNESSSSST IT'S LATHAN! HE'S AFTER YOUR WIFE AND LITTLE GIRLS!" You cried - hoping he was nearby and could hear you.

He did hear you.

You heard his muffled reply from beneath the floor too.

It sounded like he said his legs were broken!

He was yelling for you to save Billie and Nora and get out the house.

That it was a trap!

You couldn't leave Ernest behind.

Not after everything the two of you had been through together!

He called you his best friend and you never even got to return the favor!

You had no idea there was a basement or how to even get into the basement!

Thankfully Billie did.

She heard the screaming and came downstairs, holding a metal golf club, ready to help.

You told her to go back upstairs and protect Nora but she said she hid Nora and she wanted to kill Lathan too now that the roofie had finally worn off.

You wanted to apologize to your wife for the way you first reacted when you saw her naked on the couch.

You should have known Lathan had done something horrible to her and he was just trying to cover up the evidence.

She must have seen the turmoil and regret on your face, because she got mad.

"- Don't worry about it! Focus on getting Mosey!" She snapped.

"- Who?!" You asked, confused.

"- Lathan! Get Lathan! Come on, he's in the basement! It's this way!"

You let Billie lead you to the hidden door beside the stairs you assumed was just a mural design.

Then you turned to her and had to be firm.

You grabbed her by the shoulder with your free hand and told her she wasn't going down into the basement with you.

That she was going to grab Nora and get the hell out of this house.

Go to the nearest neighbor and wait for the police.

She said she wanted to stay with you, so you had to threaten her.

You told her if she didn't obey you and get your daughter and get the hell out of this house that you were going to tan her hide!

She knew you were serious, then.

So she gave you a firm nod before turning around and running back up the stairs to get Nora.

You waited until she came back - roughly forty seconds later- with Nora in her arms and watched her run out the front door.

Then you charged down the basement stairs with the knife in your hand to kill Lathan and rescue your best friend's family!

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