Revalation 11:13

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*Disclaimer* B/G Smut

The ideal American dream had been washed away with no promise of return.

Modern currency was the first thing to became obsolete after the great American continental drift.

It was all about trade value now.

Unfortunately, since the hurricane took away most of the tradeable valuables - the bare necessities became the new luxuries.

Food, water, shelter, medicine and dry clothes were the highly sought after commodities now.

The value of sex, drugs and alcohol expanded to unprecedented levels.

Theft, rape and murder grew rampant in the streets.

There was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

The displaced citizens took the law into their own hands and formed multiple new street gangs.

If it wasn't a stabbing or shooting or a vicious robbery and beating - you were met with the ghastly sight of a brutal sexual assault outside of your office windows.

Gang rapes had become common practice for
women caught outside on the streets - regardless of their age or agility.

You had seen just as many young girls being raped as you had elderly women being ripped out of their wheelchairs and ravaged on the broken glass filled streets.

There was no saving them.

They would all be murdered shortly after their ravishings anyway....

You were glad your wife and daughter were safe inside of your high rise office building with you.

You would have been worried sick had you not found them in time....

The complete disregard for human life was evident in the savagery that raged on outside.

You knew the last ounce of law & order had finally fallen when you saw a cop in full uniform get dragged out of his patrol car and viciously sodomized with his own shotgun barrell before the perpetrator's finger slipped and pulled the trigger - ending the officer in a flying spray of blood covered shit- that came flying out of his exploded head and all over the asphalt.

The onlookers cheered at the officer's vial demise.

Some sick bastard even set off fireworks!

The flashing lights woke up Nora who began to wail and wouldn't go back to sleep.

You stole the stage curtains from the board room that night and put them up over your office windows.

That way the flashing lights were blocked and your wife and daughter didn't have to see the carnage in the streets below anymore.

The red curtains blocked the view, but the bloody violence raged beyond it.

The separation from the continental USA caused territorial disputes to break out among the Southern California cities - increasing the rising hostilities in all regions.

Racial tensions broke out - further dividing the conquered streets.

A homicidal Chinese gang emerged from the flooded downtown basin to confront the white supremacists who had taken over a near by temple after mustard gassing all of the Jews inside.

You heard all about it on the radio in your office, right before you had to move the radio to Ernest's office -down the hall - just so you could listen to it in peace without your wife getting hysterical over how every little detail is "All wrong!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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