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Ernest's left foot was caught in a bear trap at the bottom of the basement stairs.

Lathan was standing over him with a bloody hammer.

You practically flew down the riggedy wooden stairs with the knife in your hand!

Lathan's back was turned toward the stairs, so you were able to easily ambush him!

You tackled him to the cement floor from behind - sending the knife he was holding sliding across the basement floor and under a closed door!

You could hear sobbing from behind the door, and then screams for help as someone tried unsuccessfully to open the door.

"-NICE TRY LATHAN!" You howled, as he cried out for you to get the hell off of him!

You planned on slitting Lathan's throat for what he did to your wife and best friend.....

That was until Agnes...for some crazy reason....came running out of no where to stop you from killing him.

That's when you got the biggest shock of your life.

Your wife....was a filthy fucking liar.

Not only did Lathan viciously deny raping your wife with that cucumber, he denied setting anyone up to be raped or murdered.

Apparently, Ernest had accidentally stepped on an old bear trap in the basement and Lathan had been using the hammer to try to free his bleeding leg.

His wife had sprung into action by gathering the children who were freaking out at the sight of the blood into another room in the basement and closed the door - not realizing it would lock.

She had been running around tying to find something to pry the door open with since Lathan didn't even know that door had a lock on it.

You had no reason to suspect Billie had flat out lied about him ravishing her -but the sincere look of bewildered confusion on Lathan's face when you mentioned the cucumber by the diapers - told you more than words ever could.

Turning away from Agnes who was still trying to open the locked door, and Ernest who was moaning weakly in pain now, you hurried back upstairs and burst into the kitchen to reconfirm what you had already seen - but you were just met by a hostile police officer with a gun.

"- HANDS IN THE AIR!" He shouted.

You put your hands up, seconds before Billie came rushing into the kitchen holding Nora.

"-That's my husband! The one you want is in the basement!" She cried.

As soon as the cop disappeared down the stairs- you confronted Billie next to the empty kitchen counter.

Instead of denying that she lied, all she did was blush and say, "- Can we talk about this later?!"

"Did Lathan attack you or not?!" You demanded.

"- Does it matter?!" Billie snapped before saying Lathan was finally getting what he deserved.

You were flabbergasted!

If Lathan was truly innocent, you didn't want him to get in trouble over your mentally unstable wife's lies!

"- You LIED?" You growled, your fists clenching in pure anger.

How dare your wife manipulate you - again!

Billie shifted Nora to her other arm, as she avoided your direct gaze.

She didn't offer you an explanation for her atrocious behavior.

She HAD been pleasuring herself with that vegetable all along!

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