The first sight

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*One month before the Hurricane*

You were a horrible husband to your wife and a neglectful farther to your young daughter Eleanor Edith - Nora - for short, as Billie liked to call her.

They both died because of you.

You couldn't control yourself when it comes to your wife.

You wanted to protect were just a little too...overprotective sometimes.

You were just so angry that day on the train when you saw that fake photo of your wife cheating on you!

You didn't mean to kill her.

It was an accident -beating her to death in front of your own screaming daughter...

You knew you were a monster.

You had never had this much anger before you got married.

You were never an angry person!

You're a well respected human rights lawyer!

It's just that.. Billie made you mad with love.

You knew you didn't deserve that second chance from your guardian Angel...that's what he had to be.

That young man with the poofy hair on the train... Lathan.

The one you saw right before the murder.

You thought it was just daymares - nightmares leaking into the waking world - vividly disturbing hallucinations rather... Until the day Nora died from a violent seizure due to a hidden brain tumor - a year after the ski accident.

You sobbed yourself awake at her funeral - and were overcome with all sorts of overwheling emotions when you saw your wife Billie sitting up at the end of the bed,rocking your two month old daughter to sleep.

It was just a nightmare.... or a warning.

You took Nora to the doctor the very next morning.

After initially threatening to sue the entire hospital for violating your civil rights and refusing to test your daughter for a hidden brain tumor - they finally agreed to do it - and sure enough found a small tumor growing.

Chemotherapy would destroy the tumor, but it would also cause poor baby Nora's beautiful golden curls to fall out.

Her hair was still growing back from the fire and you didn't want a bald baby so you asked if there were any other options to remove the tumor.

Radiotherapy and surgery were the only other two options.

Surgery was too risky for how buried the tumor was.

Since Nora is a tiny baby it could damage the future development of her brain.

Plus, like any other surgery, it could go horribly wrong and Nora could die under the knife on the operating table.

Billie wanted to do chemotherapy but you thought radiotherapy was the better option.

You and your wife argued about it in the doctor's office while Nora slept in her pram in between the two of you.

Billie was insisting it was "just hair" and would grow back - but that wasn't the point!

Chemotherapy isn't targeted!

It would destroy Nora's whole body - including her perfectly healthy cells!

At least with radiotherapy the radiation would be targeted to just the brain tumor - leaving her other vital body cells alone!

Billie said radiation was even worse for the human body but you didn't believe that and neither did the doctor.

In fact the doctor said radiotherapy would be much easier on Nora's body....

So you signed off on the paperwork and let the medical staff get to work treating her right away.

Nora was going to need six rounds.

Six - ten minute sessions - over the next month.

Nora slept right through her first session under the machine while you and Billie sat side by side in the waiting room-nervously holding hands.

Thankfully the first session went well - thanks to you catching the tumor so early.

You thought you had "The sight"

That you were given a gift to see into the future.

You were quite proud of yourself.

A lawyer who could tell the future!

You would win all of your clients cases because you would know exactly what the defense was going to throw at you and be able to conter it!

You were going to be the best human rights lawyer the world had ever seen!

You would never lose a case again!

Hell, you would have cases before the clients even knew that they needed a lawyer!

You grew incredibly cocky at the mere concept and even bragged about it to your wife, later that night in bed, after you got home from Nora's first treatment.

Billie did not partake in your joy or cockiness.

She seemed to not care.

She just rolled over ,away from you, and stared at the wall as you went on and on and on about your gift from the gods.

"Did you hear me?" You finally asked a silent Billie as you shook her shoulder.

She shrugged your hand off of her shoulder.

"Yeah,I heard you! I'm tryna ignore you! It's not normal to talk about knowing what's gonna happen in the future! You sound crazy and you're gonna get yourself locked up if you keep talking like that!" She warned.

You were quite offended at her response but at the same time you understood.

After all you had said something very similar to her once before...

Your wife was right though.... you certainly couldn't go around talking about the future.

People would surely think you were insane and have you locked in a padded room!

You would just have to keep your knowledge of the future to yourself....

Despite your pride in rescuing your daughter you still felt guilty.

Had you never laid your daughter down on that filthy ground inside that cold cave she would have never been run over and dragged into the fire by that horrible ski woman.

She would have never developed brain damage in the first place...

At the same time, had it never happened, you would have never found out about your gift.

Unfortunately it did not work like you were hoping it would.

You weren't able to tell other people's random futures or what was going to happen on the news or what the winning lottery ticket numbers were going to be at all!

All your gift did was cause you to have horrible horrible nightmares....or ominous warnings....about your own family.

Like what happened the day of the hurricane.

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